Isadore giving back to its community

Supporting Early Intervention for children with developmental disabilities

26.1.2018 – Words by Isadore team

Since both Peter and I each have a baby boy at home, we know how important it is to make sure children are getting the proper care, especially early in their development. That’s why we have chosen to support the Early Childhood Intervention Center Trenčín that specializes in Early Intervention for children with developmental issues.

The CVI in Trenčín, Slovakia, is an organization that helps families with babies who appear to have developmental disabilities. It is important to address any developmental issues as early as possible in the life of a baby, and since many families will have little or no idea even where to start in the treatment of their child, the CVI is there to help them in all aspects of dealing with a child with disabilities. They provide not only a social network for the families to rely on, but also lend equipment and treatment options to the families so that they can pinpoint the best way to address the child’s needs.

As a result of the 2017 Flash Sale, we have been able to donate 5 000 € to the CVI in Trenčín. With that money, the CVI has been able to buy the equipment and learning tools that will aid children with developmental issues.

This will be the first of three donations we will make to various charitable organizations in 2018. We are very grateful to everyone who took part in the 2017 Flash Sale for making these donations to such worthwhile organizations possible.

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