#ThisIsMyClimb – The Winners

We have received more than 300 pictures from you and here are the three that nailed it.

30.8.2016 – Words by Isadore team

Discovering local secrets with #ThisIsMyClimb

Cycling is the sport of people. And photography makes it possible to share top adventures and emotions and connect with others.

Whether it’s reliving the legendary moments of Tour de France, cheering to a group of peloton riders storming by or a quiet moment of taking in a beautiful view from the top - photography inspires.

This is why Isadore Apparel loves photography - it creates cycling memories and evokes passion and a sense of adventure about our sport.

In the competition #THISISMYCLIMB we wanted you to get up close and personal. Show us the romance and adventure and get personal. Share the best spots with us. And who knows, maybe you inspire others to grab their bikes and go searching for the great unknown.

We have our three winners

We were overwhelmed to receive more than 300 pictures that are a living proof of the fact that there are beautiful climbs to be found everywhere. Write them down for the next adventure.

After a long discussion, Isadore Apparel founders MARTIN VELITS and Pro rider PETER VELITS, together with Isadore photographer PETER MEČIAR picked three winners:

Congratulations to the winners and big thanks to everyone who participated
and helped make this contest a success. Until next year!

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Suivez nous et restez au courant



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