Merino Long Sleeve Baselayer
Nátelník s dlhým rukávom zo 100% merino vlny vhodný ako prvá vrstva počas chladných mesiacov.
Raglánový rukáv minimalizuje oder a spolu s plochými švami zvyšuje celkový komfort prvej vrstvy. Merino nátelník zaručuje ideálnu úroveň tepelnej izolácie, odvádza nadmernú vlhkosť, je jemný na dotyk a nenáročný na starostlivosť. Prirodzenou vlastnosťou merino vlny je tiež odolnosť voči zápachu. Univerzálny kúsok tvojho šatníka, ktorý si nájde svoje využitie aj mimo sveta cyklistiky.
Teplota 8°C až 16°C
Hmotnosť 4/6
Priedušnosť 5/6
Ochrana pred vetrom 2/6
- Vyrobený zo 250 g/m2 100% merino vlny
- Jemný na dotyk
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Raglánový rukáv
- Ploché švy
- 100% merino vlna
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
MIERA | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL |
A – Hrudník | < 85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 | 115-121 | 121-127 |
B – Pás | < 73 | 73-79 | 79-85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 |
C – Boky | < 88 | 88-94 | 94-100 | 100-106 | 106-112 | 112-118 | 118-124 | 124-130 |
D – Dĺžka paže | < 72 | 72-74 | 74-76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 82-84 |
E – Dĺžka vnútorného švu | < 76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 84-86 | 86-88 | 86-88 |
Hrudník – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Pás – obvod meraný v najužšom mieste
Boky – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Dĺžka paže – meria sa od krku po zápästie
Dĺžka vnútorného švu – meria sa od rozkroku po členok
Upozorňujeme, že uvedené miery sa vzťahujú na priemerné telesné proporcie. Pri výbere veľkosti zohľadni špecifiká svojej postavy.
Váha / Výška | 159-164 cm | 165-170 cm | 171-176 cm | 177-182 cm | 183-188 cm | 189-194 cm | 195+ cm |
V 60-66 kg | XS | XS | XS | XS | XS | – | – |
V 67-72 kg | XS | XS | S | S | XS | – | – |
V 73-79 kg | – | – | M | M | S | M | – |
V 80-88 kg | – | – | XL | L | M | M | L |
V 89-98 kg | – | – | XL | XL | L | L | XL |
V 99+ kg | – | – | – | 3XL | XXL | XXL | 3XL |
Nízka až stredná kompresia
Voľnejší strih, ktorý umožňuje absolútnu voľnosť pohybu bez obmedzenia výkonu. Určené na každodenné jazdy, pri ktorých je najdôležitejší komfort.

Product Reviews
Submitted 15.1.2024
By Veronika
Veľmi pohodlné
Skvelé merino, kúpili sme aj pánske aj dámske. Je priliehavé, takže nikde neprefukuje, po vysokej záťaži a vyvetraní vôbec necítiť pot, je hrubé, ale pri spotení je omnoho menej mokré ako klasické termotričko. Je trošku kratšie ako sme zvyknutí, ale zase nikde nezavadzia a úplne to stačí. Za nás skvelý produkt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.6.2021
By David Geczy
From Slovensko
Skvelé Merino
Nemal som zatiaľ až toľko skúseností s merinom, ale toto je naozaj vynikajúce. Vôbec, ale vôbec neškriabe, naopak je veľmi príjemné na telo. Ani neviem, že to mám. Vôbec nesmrdí po niekoľko-násobnom použití čo je super. Jediný problém menší, ktorý som našiel je, že by bolo dobré spraviť dlhšie rukávy resp. ich vyriešiť nejako inak.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.1.2020
By Daniel Pápež
From Slovensko
Lepšie na zimu som nemal
super kvalita ,len rukávy sú krátke a trocha veľký výstrih okolo krkuUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.1.2020
By Milan Hulman
From Slovensko
Možem len odporučiť super materiál.Len to logo na predku po prvom praní hneď bolo fuč..treba dať lepšie Ale inač len chválimUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.11.2019
By Jan Habětín
From Česká republika
Comfort long sleewe baselayer
Nice soft warm merino fabric which does not smell. I chose size L because of lenght. 182cm, 73kg, 97cm chest and it fits good as well. Normally I wear size M (Merino long sleewe jersey).Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.1.2019
By Juraj Toth
From Slovensko
Great base layer
One of best base layers. Material is awesome and it is also looks really nice. Some of the stitches are not that great so -1 star for that but overall really great product.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.10.2018
By Miloš Gregorka
From Slovensko
Výborná základná vrstva
Výborná základná vrstva. Skutočne nehryzie nezapácha a vytvára ohromný pocit komfortu.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.8.2018
By Robert Mitosinka
From Slovensko
Super ale kratke rukavy sa miz daju kvalitnejsie. Velkosti su trochu nevyspytatelne medzi dlhym a kratkym rukavom ... M a M nie je celkom totozne.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.1.2024
By Alex K
Comfy, warm and HQ
I recently received it in the mail. You can see quality present in the product and the compostable packaging. Wore it, with a light jersey and a vest on this morning when the outside temperature was 12 C. Perfect combination as I didn't feel cold and didn't overheat.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.12.2023
By Ernesto M.
Great, just great.
Perfect fit. Warm, soft, tight. It is my favorite base layer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.12.2023
By Amedeo Pierasco
From Taliansko
As I imagined, excellent merino wool sweater. I am 180cm tall and weigh 75kg. I bought the size L and it is perfect, the only thing is the slightly long sleeves.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.10.2023
By Takumi Kawahara
From Japonsko
旧作を使っていたが、新しい方を購入した。 とても良い。Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.10.2023
By Marcel
Lovely warm base layer
Certainly a great buy! Warm and comfortable on cold rides and on the ski slopes. Nice long sleeves; only improvement I can think of is a slightly longer body to tuck in.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.1.2025
By Francisco Suarez
Perfecta y polivalente
El título ya lo dice todo, el tacto es muy agradable, es cálida pero no agobia, muy transpirable, se ajusta perfectamente al cuerpo sin agobiar y no se retuerce, variedad colores bonitos que facilitan la combinación con cualquier prenda.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.1.2025
By David
Super Qualität… habe bei 1,82 und 80 kg die Größe „L“ bestellt. Die Ärmel sind etwas lang aber okay!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.10.2024
By Dušan Augustiňák
From Česká republika
Super střih, perfektně sedí, příjemný materiál - 190 a velikost L. ????Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.10.2024
By a
Great, warm
Almost too warm! Very snug and comfortableUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.10.2024
By Richard
Fantastic Merino - truly a quality product
I couldn't believe how nice this base layer is to wear. Apart from the incredible comfort, it is wonderfully warm and more than enough under the Alternative Eco-Fleece long sleeve with a light gilet on top, even down into the low single digits. I can't wait to test this in the properly cold depths of the Norwegian winter.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.3.2024
By Daniel Jaber
From Spojené štáty americké
Merino is Winter's Friend
Exactly what you would expect from Isadore! Great fit and construction, but more importantly superior quality. Excellent warmth and LUX merino wool. Excellent deep wine base. I wear this great piece skiing and riding and anything else I can use it for. Highly recommend.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.3.2024
By Simon
Excellent quality and function
I have several of these, which I have bought over the last few years, this and they are excellent, the provide warmth on cold days and do not leave you feeling like you are soaked when you increase the effort. Great range of colors easy to care for. Would buy again.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.12.2023
By Brent
Merino Long Sleeve Baselayer
The jersey is a nice winter weight. It is form-fitting and comfortable against the skin. It seems to wick pretty well. Certainly a good add to my cycling kit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.11.2023
By Marek Varga
10/10, extremely good
Absolutel great baselayer, keeps warm during morning rides at 4-10 degrees C with just a hoodie on. Great to use off the bike as well under the jacket etc.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.4.2023
Big fan!
A little warmth on the chilly mornings helps with getting outside and into the saddle. Feels good against the skin.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.3.2023
By Eric
Great on the bike and off the bike
Lightweight and hot enough for being the sole layer under a Jacket for a deep winter ride in Flander. Love it on the bike and off the bike too.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.3.2022
By Daniel Crabbe
From Veľká Británia
Nice for the first season but after a few uses in the second several holes appeared around the arms. I got size M, normally and S with the brands (rapha).Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.1.2022
By Roger Murer
From Švajčiarsko
Too short
I am 78kg, 188cm with a chest of 100cm. I purchased in XL however arms and body are too short. However this Meriono-Shirt keeps you warm even when it is wet.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.11.2021
By Eduard Winkler
From Slovensko
Great product
I'm enjoying wearing it even when I'm not going on bike. It's very confy and warm. On a bike is working well in cold, used only once, but was very happy with this product.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.11.2021
By Melih Aslan
From Spojené štáty americké
Too scratchy for a hairy chest
I liked the product however I have a hairy chest and it was really scratchy for me to use it. I had to return it.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.3.2021
By Florian Fellner
From Nemecko
size it one up :)
get one size bigger then your usual isadore product. its quiet short on the arms (im not a long arm guy, really just regualr). im 179cm and around 77kg. i usual have Medium (the regular tshirt baselayer fits perfect on me) but the long one was just to tight in armpits and to short on the arms. the merino wool feels awesome.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.12.2020
By Tomi
I am 182 and 74kg, ordered M (I have everything in M from Isadore) and it comes Race fit. (if you want more relaxed, then go one size up). I use it for Hiking and Winter climbing as well. This is such a quality product from Merino, the best I have ever seen or used (I have a lot of them). Soft on touch and really warm and thick. The price is a steal, go for it!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.11.2020
By Roger Murer
From Švajčiarsko
Great baselayer! I am 188, 77kg, chest 100cm with long arms. Size L works, but arms could be 2-3cm longer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.8.2020
By Grant Reaburn
From Nový Zéland
I have a drawer full of merino thermals I wear both off and on the bike. Most are 150 or 180gram weight. This one is 250gram and is the best by far. The sizing is tight to begin with but merino does loosen up with time. Some have commented that these are expensive. I disagree. If you can find a 250gram merino top at a better price I would be surprised and of this quality definitely not. Chapeau Isadore!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.5.2020
By Nathan Thomas
From Veľká Británia
Comfortable and breathable
Had my 100% Merino LS baselayer for a couple of years now, and it still feels very soft and comfortable against the skin. Mine did shrink a little after a few washes even after following the care instructions, so in future I might be inclined to size up. The Maritime Blue colour is definitely closer to the blue in the model photos, rather than the more purplish tone in the product image, but it's still a great colour.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.4.2020
By Sebastian Geis
From Nemecko
Hello, The wearing comfort is really great. However, after a few washes, the seams have come loose, so that the foldover of the shirt has dissolved in the lower area.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.1.2020
By Bernd Konow
From Nemecko
Eins der besten Kleidungsstücke im Laufe meiner Radsport-Ära. Tolles Material, jeden Cent wert. Ich liebe es.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.10.2019
By Miguel van den Wildenberg
From Holandsko
Very nice
For a 'winter' baselayer I would preferred a higher collar, but is still a very fine shirt. Following other reviews I have ordered a size bigger than normal. Size L is just perfect for me: 1.86m/72kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.2.2019
By Ignacio Prieto Diaz
From Francúzsko
Nice baselayer
I love the soft feeling of this perfect baselayer. The holes for the thumb are nice keep the sleves on the place but, at least for me, they are not useful during the ride. Perfect temperature keeping, and as promise no smells after using! 185 cm / 84 kg size XL good fitting.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.1.2019
By George Charalambides
From Spojené štáty americké
Very good material and packaging, fit is a problem.
Too short to the point of not being practical, and neck opening too large, and arms too short. it's a shame because otherwise the color, material, construction, and remaining cut is perfect for a cyclists' body.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.1.2019
By Kris Terauds
From Švajčiarsko
Comfortable and form fitting for colder rides
I wear several non-cycling merino shirts as base layers. This one is better: softer on the skin and form fitting. It is also thicker than the others, so I wear it on my coldest rides. I am 193cm/95kg and the XXL fits me perfectly.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.12.2018
By Stefan Zieg
From Nemecko
Comfortable but sleeves too short
Just bought XXL (180/90) for Winter walks and rides, feels very comfortable und cosy. Unfortunately the sleeves are about 2-5 cm to short. Usually this is not a problem for me with other brands and the Ovada Deep Winter Baselayer Men in XL. Using the thumbholes helps a littlelittle bit. Please give some cms to the sleeves ;-), especially for winter.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.11.2018
By Andras Balazs
From Maďarsko
great stuff
Beutifully packaged ,real luxurious feel. Fast wicking,really comfy.Only one thing,it could be a little longer in the waist.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.6.2018
By Philippe Lemmens
From Belgicko
High quality merino
I purchased a few of these long sleeve merino base layers. It's a high quality merino, which allows for some flexibility in temperature to stay comfortable (not too hot or cold), so I use this base layer when temperatures differ much between the start and finish of my ride. It's also very nice to have a beautiful blue instead of black or white. I'm 1.75 m and 71 kg, and purchased Large (which is a very comfortable fit, and still close to the body - Medium should be my size, but I prefer a larger fit for winter and have longish arms). As I have a number of these already, needless to say that I'm very happy with this great base layer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.2.2018
By Vaughan Watson
From Veľká Británia
Great base layer pair this with long sleeve jersey and Merino Softshell Jacket still warm in sub-zero conditions. Love the thumb holes nice touch. The advice is to buy a size bigger than your jersey size - i can definitely recommend this as even when using cool hand wash the item did shrink a little which is fine if you buy a size up. Highly recommended as usual with the brilliant Isadore gear!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.2.2018
By Mulotti Emmanuel
From Francúzsko
Sous couche qui fait bien le job. Température négative en ce moment , je le mets avec la veste Softshell Marsala et je n'ai pas froid. Très agréable à porter , doux et aucune couture qui gêne . Pris en taille L 1.81cm 70 kgUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.2.2018
By Matthieu Bardou
From Francúzsko
Au chaud tout le temps !
J'utilise ces baselayers pour courir ou pour les sorties à velo et j'en suis vraiment content. Ils sont parfaitement coupés et leur technicité en fait un allié précieux pour rester au chaud et au sec. Je les recommande fortement +++Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.12.2017
By Ian Bowden
From Veľká Británia
Best baselayer I have owned
I have been really impressed with this base layer. It is a great fit, and super warm so far. I have been riding in 1 - 10 degrees and the base layer and a Gabba jersey have been a perfect combination. I really like the quality of the base layer and hope it last longer than my previous merino layer, from another leading brand, which disintegrated after a couple of years. Cstomer service and packaging are a joy also.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.12.2017
By Mulotti Emmanuel
From Francúzsko
J'ai choisi ce maillot en noir , taille L (1.81m 71 kg) Il est très agréable a porter , ni trop chaud ni trop froid. On oublie même qu'on le porte. Essayé ce matin , température de 2 degrés avec une veste hiver par dessus , parfait . Le petit truc en plus , une ouverture en bout de manches pour passer le pouce et éviter que la manche remonte.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.10.2017
By Markus Bee
From Nemecko
Markus B.
Ich hatte noch kein Unterhemd, welches sich so angenehm angefühlt hat. Super sind beim langärmeligen auch die Daumenschlaufen. Der Baselayer schmiegt sich eng an den Körper und reguliert hervorragend Wärme und Feuchtigkeit. Obwohl ich die Trikots alle in M habe (187/74) passen mir die Baselayer in Größe L besser.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.9.2017
By Guido Bollenbach
From Nemecko
Great Baseler. Warm and soft. What else should be rides to work or training....prepared against the coldUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2017
By robert kalasek
From Rakúsko
perfekt ! - mit potenzial auch bei mir zum lieblingsstueck zu werden ! mit drei kleinen einschraenkungen: - die daumenschlaufen sind nicht mein ding ... dort zieht es rein - die armel sind an den handgelenken etwas weit (in kombi mit den schlaufen - zugluft) - xl passt perfekt - allerdings ist die laenge ist etwas knapp bemessen fuer ein rad-baselayer-teil. hinweis. laut groessentabelle wuerde ich zwischen L und XL liegen ... habe das SS in L und das ist ziemlich knapp. daher auch meine empfehlung eher groesser waehlen. 190, 81kgUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.7.2017
By Luca
From Nemecko
True Merino experience
Quality Merino under vest, feels soft and dry all the time. Great fit and outstanding design, i actually ended up using it in colder days also while working.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.2.2017
By Jens Heinen
So geht's!
Wieder volle Punktzahl für ein Isadore-Produkt: Sehr gute Passform, die Ärmel mit Daumenschlaufen haben die richtige Länge, sehr angenehm zu tragen, tolle Isolation, behält beim Waschen die Form, langlebig. Dazu lässig designed und nachhaltig hergestellt. So geht's.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.1.2017
Schlichtweg das Beste!!!
Aufgrund der positiven Rezesionen hier habe ich mir dieses Unterhemd bestellt! Vom ersten mal Anziehen war ich schlichtweg begeistert! Tolles kuscheliges Tragegefühl und eine gut sitzende anschmiegsame Passform. Fahre bis -5 Grad 3-5 Stunden mit diesem Baselayer und der Isadore Jacke. Kalt wird es nicht! Der Schweiss wird fantastisch abtransportiert und das Körperklima wird durch Merino super reguliert! Verwende es mittlerweile auch zum Joggen, wandern und im normalen Alltag!! Ein absolutes musthave und mein Lieblingskleidungsstück! Wunderbar dass es auch in Europa zu (hoffentlich) gerechten Lohnverhältnissen gefertigt wird. Abgesehen von der Fertigung ist das Leiberl noch in einer anderen Hinsicht nachhaltig: Man braucht es nur alle 3 Wochen waschen! ! Fängt nicht zu riechen an! ! Wirklich ein tolles Produkt! Outstanding!! Ich: Rennradfahrer 10.0000 KM pA // 180 cm/ 82 kg = Large anliegend = Xlarge lockerUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.10.2016
By Markus Mehlig
From Nemecko
Very comfortable, no smell even after harder rides! Best base layer I've ever worn. Absolutely worth the price!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.9.2016
By Matthäus Grabner
From Rakúsko
Sehr angenehm zu tragen, schöne Verarbeitung. Wer es ebenso für den tagtäglichen Gebrauch nimmt, sollte es ev. eine Nummer größer nehmen. So habe ich es nach der Kaufberatung gemacht - passt perfekt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.3.2016
By Ed Newey
From Švajčiarsko
Best base layer you will ever use!
This is a bold statement I know, however its absolutely true. These base layers are outstanding and have become my number one item for every ride, ski, walk and generally anything outside! Super soft, they wick moisture away from the skin immediately, they don't leave a bad smell and wash very easily. I have been washing them a lot and after 5/6 months they are still in great condition. They are probably the most popular item in our cycling club. Buy the bundle and then 3 of each because you will use them and your friends will want some too! Another outstanding product from Isadore.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.3.2016
By stefan
Stefan Ziegenhagen, Cologne Germany
checked a lot of base layers, no doubt this one is the best I've ever wornUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.3.2016
By Mark Botham
From Veľká Británia
Ordered this as my UnderArmour made me feel the chill when it was around 5 degrees. So having seen this get top marks in a cycling magazine I thought paying a bit for a better quality product was the way to go. Simply, it is very comfortable & keeps the chill completely off. Much better than the UnderArmour. I know price is always a consideration, but you pay for quality. I cant recommend this highly enough.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.2.2016
By Thomas Bierbaum
From Nemecko
Thomas Bierbaum
Dieses Unterhemd ist sehr angenehm warm und weich, es hält den Körper warm und trocken, habe es jetzt im Winter als Baselayer bei kaltem, feuchtem und sehr windigem Wetter getragen und mich immer pudelwohl gefühlt. Sehr praktisch sind auch die Daumenschlaufen an den Enden der Ärmeln, beim Drüberziehen der nächsten Schicht und zum Abdichten am Handgelenk. Dieses Unterhemd ist so angenehm, ich trage es nicht nur beim Sport... Klare Kaufempfehlung.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.10.2015
By Barry Fink
From Veľká Británia
The quality and feel of this is amazing, purchased it in the grey and it looks very stylish,keeps you warm yet still doesn't leave you sweaty. if this is the quality of the base layer then I can't wait to get my hands on the soft shell jacket, will allways be buying isadore gear from now on. Also love love the personal touch and the packaging, all in all great products and great companyUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.10.2015
From Veľká Británia
Very nice style and fabric and good quality. Unfortunately, even though I followed the washing instructions, it has shrunk a little and I wish I had bought a bigger size.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.5.2015
By jose manuel zamora venero
From Ukrajina
esto si es segunda piel
acertado, 100% recomendable, en isadore gasto la xl, en esta prenda tenia que haber elegido la xxl,me queda un pelín justa(para que lo tengáis en cuenta pero lo use y... de todos modos , muy a gusto.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2015
By Kevin Finch
From Veľká Británia
Light, Comfort & Function
I have a few Isadore base layers now and I don't wear any other. The merino is soft and supremely comfortable. I always wear a base, even in summer (a vest), and these are excellent for wicking moisture away. They have no odour so you don't need to worry about the cafe stop. Wash them carefully (30 degrees maximum and use delicate cleaning agents) of course, and they stay like new.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.1.2020
By Daniel
From Slovensko
Kvalitne ale strih katastrofa
Aky expert sije tie merino natelniky? Kupil som si L ale mam ho ako damsky crop, rukavy su vytahane.. material je super ale to prevedenie ma sklamalo.Ukázať celú recenziu
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