Signature Climber's Bib Shorts
Univerzálne krátke bibsy ti zaručia maximálny výkon pri jazde v horúcich a vlhkých podmienkach.
V kraťasoch Signature Climber’s sme použili náš najľahší materiál pre zvýšenie pohodlia aj po dlhých hodinách v sedle alebo intenzívnych stúpaniach v najvyšších teplotách. Perforovaná vložka zložená zo štyroch vopred tvarovaných vrstiev a elastickej sieťoviny v jej prednej časti umožňuje ľahkú cirkuláciu vzduchu medzi intímnymi partiami a látkou pre lepšiu priedušnosť. Efektívne odvádzanie potu zabezpečuje textúrovaný materiál, ktorý zvyšuje kompresiu, no zároveň umožňuje telu dýchať. Ploché švy zvyšujú úroveň komfortu a zlepšujú celkový pocit z jazdy.
Teplota 16°C až 32°C
Priedušnosť 6/6
Úroveň ochrany výstelky 4/6
Odolnosť voči oderu 4/6
Kompresia 4/6
- Vyrobené z talianskeho recyklovaného materiálu lycra overeného GRS® a švajčiarskej tkaniny Schoeller®
- Ošetrené ColdBlack® UV Sun Protector
- Superľahká konštrukcia trakov pre maximálne pohodlie počas najteplejších jázd
- Antibakteriálna a priedušná talianska výstelka vyrobený z vysokohustej bio peny novej generácie s mäkkou elastickou sieťovinou v prednej časti vložky umožňuje lepšie vetranie
- Perfektné vyváženie kompresie pre jazdy vo vysokom tempe
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Predná časť vložky z mäkkej elastickej sieťoviny umožňuje lepšie vetranie
- 3M reflexné logá a prvky pre vysokú viditeľnosť na ceste
- Extra široká hypoalergénna silikónová páska na spodnej strane pre čistý vzhľad
- Predná časť vložky z mäkkej elastickej sieťoviny umožňuje lepšie vetranie
Materiál 1
- 81% recyklovaný polyamid
- 19% recyklovaný elastan
Materiál 2
- 80% polyamid
- 20% elastan

Elastic Interface Mustang pro air MEN
Ergonomický 2D dizajn
Predná ventilačná mušľa
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
MIERA | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL |
A – Hrudník | < 85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 | 115-121 | 121-127 |
B – Pás | < 73 | 73-79 | 79-85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 |
C – Boky | < 88 | 88-94 | 94-100 | 100-106 | 106-112 | 112-118 | 118-124 | 124-130 |
D – Dĺžka paže | < 72 | 72-74 | 74-76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 82-84 |
E – Dĺžka vnútorného švu | < 76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 84-86 | 86-88 | 86-88 |
Hrudník – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Pás – obvod meraný v najužšom mieste
Boky – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Dĺžka paže – meria sa od krku po zápästie
Dĺžka vnútorného švu – meria sa od rozkroku po členok
Upozorňujeme, že uvedené miery sa vzťahujú na priemerné telesné proporcie. Pri výbere veľkosti zohľadni špecifiká svojej postavy.
Váha / Výška | 159-164 cm | 165-170 cm | 171-176 cm | 177-182 cm | 183 - 188 cm | 189 - 194 cm | 195+ cm |
V 60-66 kg | XS | XS | XS | XS | S | – | – |
V 67-72 kg | XS | XS | S | S | S | – | – |
V 73-79 kg | – | – | M | M | M | M | – |
V 80-88 kg | – | – | L | L | M | L | L |
V 89-98 kg | – | – | XL | XL | XL | XL | XL |
V 99+ kg | – | – | – | XXL | XXL | XXL | XXL |

Product Reviews
Submitted 14.6.2021
By David Geczy
From Slovensko
Tieto nohavice mám už cca rok a stále sú ako nové, v porovnaní s konkurenčnou značkou, ktorú vlastním to je "nebe a dudy". Sú veľmi pohodlné, výstielka pod zadok je pevná, neničí sa zatiaľ vôbec a to som ich celú zimu používal aj na trenažér. Toto je naozaj produkt najvyššej kvality. Odporúčam každému.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.6.2021
By Milan Ridzoň
From Rakúsko
Materiál príjemný na telo, pohodlné aj počas dlhších výjazdov (7-8 hodin) Nemám čo vytknúť...Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.4.2019
By Milan Hulman
From Slovensko
Súper materiál len odporúčamUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.5.2018
By Vratislav Podzimek
From Česká republika
Amazing shorts
Really amazing shorts working exactly how expected and promised. The best shorts I've ever had. I'm curious about their durability/lifetime.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.5.2017
By Ján Lobotka
From Slovensko
...najlepšie nohavice, aká som na sebe mal. Rozdiel oproti ostatným je priepastný. Podľa mňa bez chyby.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2016
By Peter Čapkovič
From Slovensko
Found my bibs
Tried in the past several producers. Not everytime I hit the target. With this shorts the first ride I felt i foung the bibs for me. Perfect fit, perfect feeling. ThxUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.8.2024
By Marek
Perfect body fit
Selected size L for my 183cm/85kg, fits well with acceptable medium compression. The pad is awesome, first ride over 5 hours and no pressure, no skin issues. Rode it on 13°C and also on 33°C and temperature comfort is perfect in both cases. Didnt felt cold or warm. I've even faced short rain in it and dries over couple of minutes. Premium behaviour for decent price.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.8.2024
By Johnny
From Veľká Británia
Great bib shorts
This is the second pair of climbers bibs I’ve bought. Initially I wondered whether the chamois was cushioned enough on these newer ones. After a few rides, it feels very comfortable. They breathe well and the fit is good. I’m 169 cm with a weight of 59kg and wear XS.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.7.2024
By Jakub
Perfect fit, comfortable materials which keeps your sweating low even in very high temperatures.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.2.2024
By Fabrice Symonds
From Veľká Británia
Excellent quality but need to test on long ride
Very well made and excellent fit. I'm a little worried about the pad though as it's quite thin. I'm sure it will be fine on a long ride (think Marmotte in June) but I worry how many long rides it will last for.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.2.2024
By Juraj
Impressive bibs
I really like the cut, the materials and sewing are of very high quality and the pad...the pad is the main reason I kept these as opposed to other bibs (from different brands). Overall, highly recommended!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.11.2023
By Martin Fletcher
So far So good
I have only had a chance to wear them once so far , and I can say that they are comfortable from the start. I have only worn them on the indoor trainer so far (it's winter and I live in the UK) but I look forward to wearing these on a long ride during the summer months. Sizing wise , I am 175cm tall , 90 kgs , (waist 35 inches) and the large fits me perfectly.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.11.2023
By Pawel Kokot
Great bibs
Great quality, proper length, exceptional for climbing.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.10.2023
By Akim
Great Bib
I have a good comparison to other premium bibs at even higher price points. This one easily keeps up with the leaders as far as manufacturing quality, materials and wear are concerned. Great cut with flat seems all over, high quality pad, well breathing materials, good grippers and straps make it an amazing go to bib shorts in the summer. Fit is rather on the comfy side.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.6.2023
By Johnny
Incredibly comfy and breathable bib shorts
Best bib shorts I own. Pad is comfortable after a few hours of riding. They breath well - ideal for climbing. The grip towards the knee is superb as well.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.5.2023
By Lukas
Best bibs I've owned so far
The pad in these bibs is on another level - even after hours in the saddle I feel no discomfort at all. Fit is good, although they could be longer/hold position a little tighter. I'm 188 cm, 67 kg and wear size M.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.3.2024
By Juan Miguel Azorin Martinez
From Španielsko
The BEST bibs
I would dare to say that it is one of the best bibs I have ever had. The comfort is very good. Isadore is environmentally conscious and that is a plus.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.8.2021
By Fabrice Dachicourt
From Švajčiarsko
Superb bibs
Probably the best bibs I have had. Very comfortable even after 4hours + in the saddle. Excellent fit. Isadore is clearly above the rest !Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.3.2021
By Renzo
Nice shorts, but for me could have been a bit longer
Bought these based on raving reviews and good experience with a Signature Jersey. Most people say these are quite long in the leg and it was a slight dissapointment to notice this was not the case for me (S for 1.80 and 62kg), ok no hotpants but shorter than my other bibshorts. Another thing are the multiple overlock seams which especially after the first ride left some marks, this however became better after a few rides. Despite all of the above these are beautifull bib shorts with a very decent chamois and besides the marks have been very comfortable on every ride (long/short) but maybe not the knock-out winner I hoped for but I still enjoy wearing them.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.7.2019
By Pieterjan
From Belgicko
Perfect fit and finally a well designed pad
Got these bibs shorts for my cycle trip in Czech Republic. The bibs have a perfect fit, excellent for a long rides on a hot summer day. The bibs is longer than other brands but they give a good compression what I really kind of appreciate as a newbie. Fabrics and finishing makes the bibs not bulky and looking sleek when wearing it. Im glad discovering these climber bibs shorts, enjoying much more the hot summer rides now! Im 1m83, 90 kg, regular muscular fit and L fits me best.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2019
By Andrew Brockway
From Veľká Británia
Superb quality
Comfort, hard wearing and superb design. First item from Isadore and I was converted - since then I've have in 3/4 bibs, the deep winter tights amongst others and they are all great quality. I guess it's because the brothers are pro-cyclists that you can depend on well thought out kit. Really good customer service and communication too.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.12.2018
By Greg Lyons
From Singapore
The Bar Is Set
Honestly, these are the new standard by which all bib shorts will be judged for me. If these are 10, the best from Assos or Rapha are about 8 at most. Pads are Transcontinental-worthy, and the paneling makes these an incredibly even "hug" over the entire garment. No point in buying anything else for me from now on.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.9.2018
By lars siemen
From Dánsko
Excellent bibs
Good fabric and good chamoix - just works for hoursUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.9.2018
By Günther
top Qualität, Preis Leistung ist nicht zu schlagen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.9.2018
By Per-Arne Malmberg
From Švédsko
Exellent bibshorts
Very comfy, good chamoisUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.9.2018
By Reinhard
From Rakúsko
Die Beste
... oder zumindest eine der besten Radhosen, die ich kenne. Die Medio-Bib-Short hatte mich bereits voll überzeugt. Diese hier ist sehr ähnlich. Die Kompressionswirkung erscheint mir einen Tick stärker und natürlich sieht der gerippte Stoff einfach noch cooler aus... Zur Funktion: Der Sitzpolster ist für mein Empfinden optimal. Nicht zu dick und nicht zu dünn, angenehm fest und auch nach mehreren Stunden im Sattel nicht durchgesessen. Die Hose sitzt perfekt und verrutscht nicht. Die Beine fallen eher lang aus (muss man nicht mögen und ich bin da auch eher konservativ und mags normalerweise ein bisschen kürzer; bei dieser Hose stört es aber nicht - weder von der Optik her, durch den unterschiedlichen Stoff, noch vom Tragegefühl her). Größe M bei 181cm, 75 kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.8.2018
By Matthijs Veldkamp
From Holandsko
Best bib ever!!!
Great bib length, bit longer than usual, which I really like because of compression and style, still nicely above the knees. Great comfortable chamois, even after 2 hour rides my butt feels comfy. Great structured fabric, feels great on skin, nice stylish leg grippers. Wish I had bought this before all the other bibs I own. Now I only want to wear this one! I also own (to compare it with): Rapha Core bib (nice bib but not a great chamois, not comfy after an hour) Assos T.Equipe S7 bib (good chamois but not as comfy as the Isadore Climber, chamois is to bulky in front, bib length is way too short for my taste) VOID bib (looks stylish but fabric feels really cheap, thin chamois, maybe for a short race, definately not for longer rides). So there you have it, I would highly recommend the Isadore Climber bib!!! Before you buy, measure the circumference of your upper leg and get in contact with customer service. I wear XS for Isadore jerseys but I went for M size bib because I have fairly muscular upper legs.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.8.2018
By Craig Eslinger
From Spojené štáty americké
Great style, great value and very comfortable
I’ve worn ASSOS for years and have not liked their recent design changes so these bibs a try and I’m SO GLAD I did! They’re very comfortable and I really like the style. Highly recommend themUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.7.2018
By Gerhard
From Rakúsko
Das ist nun meine zweite Hose von Isadore und vom Komfort, Verarbeitung und Material her wie die erste, tadellos. Lange Ausfahrten sind ein Genuß. Lediglich etwas zu lang für mein Empfinden. Vielleicht habe ich auch einfach zu kurze Beinchen. ;-) Habe Größe L. M ginge wohl auch bei meinen 178 cm jedoch meinen zarten 83 kg wollte ich Medium nicht zumuten und den hausinternen Größenrechner nicht overrulen. :-)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.7.2018
By James White
From Spojené štáty americké
Thoughtful Design
Quite simply the best bibs I’ve owned. The materials dissipate the 30 C heat of South Louisiana and the chamois absorbs the road and breathes well. I don’t think about these bibs while I’m on the bike--only after, when I realize that I’ve had another comfortable ride.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.5.2018
By Konrad Wieser
From Nemecko
Eine super tolle Radhose an der es einfach nichts zu bemängeln gibt,auch nach Stunden im Sattel.Für meine Maße optimal,ich bin 174cm groß und bin 64kg schwer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.4.2018
By Nicholas Greer
From Veľká Británia
Perfect bib shorts
Wore these for the first time yesterday on a 50mile ride and the are perfect. Totally comfortable, great pad shape, leg grippers just right, and finally a pair of shorts that have a good leg length for tall people. I'm 72kg 185cm and tried m and l, L was more comfortable. Thanks Isadore!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.3.2018
By Nick Wang
From Taiwan
Fabrics are fine but chamois not endurable after 20 times wash
I own climber and classic bib shorts at the same time. Both padding using the same material. So the padding in these two models will get less flexibility(no sponge feeling) and harder after 20 times wash. I am ok with the fabrics but when it comes to costly and endurance, I would leave a question mark.. I'm still interested in echelon bibshorts but at this moment, I will hold on to them.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.3.2018
By Stefan
From Rakúsko
Für mich persönlich die beste Radhose die ich jemals hatte. Ich Kombination mit dem Spitzenservice von Isadore ein absolutes Must-have. Ich fahre bei 190/90 eine L Hose. XL war bei den Beinen etwas zu lang.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.12.2017
By Waldo Nuez
From Španielsko
Top quality and confort for the long, hot and humid rides in Northern Australia. 100% loyal to Isadore.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.10.2017
By Markus Bee
From Nemecko
Markus B.
...eine der besten Bip-Shorts, die ich je hatte. Sie verrichtet ihre Arbeit tatsächlich wie es sein soll: präzise und unauffällig... Das kann nur bei sehr warmen Bedingungen die Echelon Bip noch einen Tick besser. Bei 187/74 ist Größe L die richtige Wahl.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.9.2017
By Jochen Krügermeyer
From Španielsko
Good shorts.
Well done, upper clase bibs! I am 198cm/90KG and got an XXL, could be a bit small but XL is probably to small (I haven't tryed...). Material feels very good, stiching on same level like me assos stuff and better than my raphas. Climber's Bib, I assume summer and hot temps. For this, the shorts are in my opinion to long (on legs), could be 3-4cm shorter. The quality of the grafixs/printings/logos is not as good as assos y rapha but all together a very good bib which I like a lot to use.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.9.2017
By Jens
Tolle Passform, hoher Tragekomfort, sehr gut verarbeitet. Ich habe viele Markenhosen getragen und kenne kaum ein Produkt, dass ähnlich hochwertig ist. Bei 1,80 Körpergröße und 65 Kilo Gewicht passt mir Größe M perfekt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.9.2017
By Rodrigo Alves
From Dánsko
First impression is very good
I am 1.85m, 80kg and was between sizes M/L, but choose L after trying both home. The service was very good and the bibs are very comfortable (100+ rides) and seem to be well built.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.8.2017
By Matt Fenby Taylor
From Veľká Británia
Simply the best I've ever worn
I've tried them all... Rapha, Assos, dhb, Endura, Castelli etc in my search for the most comfortable bibs. These are the most comfortable bibs.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.8.2017
By Nick Wang
From Taiwan
Silicone tape poor design
I left a review previously saying some pros about the bib shorts. This one will be its cons: I don't like the stiching of this product especially the silicon tape stich when the distance is over 120 km. It BITES my thign badly because the stiches are folded and they my legs a lot of stress. I hope this will be changed in the future or I can only put on them for a short ride.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.8.2017
By Tomas
From Slovensko
Nice even for bigger guys
I am 195cm/97kg and the XXL size fit me very generously. They are definitely a bit longer but it is OK during the ride. I am curious if the XL version would still be fine...anyway, the look and feel of the bib shorts are excellent.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2017
By Ka Chun Chan
From Veľká Británia
Perfect chamois but not digging the seams
The chamois exceeded my expectation. I don't really notice it's there which is a compliment and no shuffling about during rides to reposition it. I'd say the back panel does a better job in the heat than the normal cut out which was surprising. The numerous seams on the thigh is a pass for me though. Combined them with the compression of the fabric, they dig and irritate the legs.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2017
By alex lopez
From Spojené štáty americké
Thumbs Up
Comfortable, Love the design and UniqueUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.8.2017
By médéric pierrot
From Francúzsko
Perfect bib shorts! Greaaaat confort, very nice looking, light and breathable! Tested on a pretty hot day (36°c), I felt nice and fresh. I'm 1.75m, 66kg, size S fits perfect.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.8.2017
By Zhi Wen Tham
From Singapore
Plain Awesome
I'm 180cm, 63kg and measure 28inches around the waist. S size fit perfect, superbly comfortable around the thighs and groin with the straps exerting a firm and supportive pressure on the shoulders. The bib shorts were exquisitely made, with the look and feel of a garment many times more expensive. The padding fit so well you forget it's existence after a while, and it was not overly thick, but provided great cushioning for the many hours spent on the saddle. All in all, a superb pair of bibs, top quality and definitely worth every cent. Recommended!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.7.2017
By Andrej Skocaj
From Slovinsko
great bibs
stylish, perfect fit, comfortable, topUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.7.2017
By Nicholas Dunand
From Nemecko
Pure Comfort
Very comfortable in the heat and no sign of wear after more than 1000km and 20 washes. I am 183cm, 80kg and wear size L.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.7.2017
By Luca
Best money to sit on.
No need to climb to enjoy them. What i really appreciate is the fit of this bibs, thanks to the materials it feels comfy and fresh all the time while their special material keep the compression at the right point. You can wear as underwear too in winter. No need to look further.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.7.2017
By Jürgen
From Nemecko
These shorts are worth any single Cent. Great fit, high quality. Feel like a second skin. I am 178 cm, 64 kg and XS is perfect for me. Definetely the best short I have ever had so far.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.7.2017
By Christopher Patin
From Nemecko
The Climber´s Bibs, XXL, actually fit my 188cm-110Kg-Size! They are a bit longer than expected and a warmer. But, that´s an advantage on cool, rough Mountain Bike conditions! Very high quality materials. P. S. Danke Martina for dein Nachricht auf Deutsch.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.7.2017
By Alessandro Galloni
From Taliansko
they works and they are lovely
Isidore made an adv on these, and they say "these bibs just works": it's true, but they are also really lovelyUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.6.2017
By Christoph
From Rakúsko
Die schönste Radhose, die ich jemals hatte ;). Super Verarbeitung. Das Polster und die Passform ist für mich optimal. Gr.M bei 173cm/67kg sitzt super.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.5.2017
By Tom Trebert
From Rakúsko
Fantastic bib, fantastic service
Was looking for bibs that gave a bit more bum protection on longer rides and found them in the Isadore Climbers Bib! Can only recommend these, great fit, great materials, very comfortable. Service at Isadore is also great, DHL lost my shipment so Isadore send me a new one! Thanks for your support!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.5.2017
By Mulotti Emmanuel
From Francúzsko
I ride this morning with it. It's the better bibs i own . Very comfortable , good quality. I'm glad to have discovered Isadore. Many thanks.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.5.2017
By Nick Wang
From Taiwan
Nice regulator
I wore it in a 100miles ride in super hot weather(temp 35celcius degrees, 80%) in Taiwan. Definitely love the cold black fabric, really feel much much better on the long climb. I also like the special weave on thigh for better vent as well. I would recommand this items to be your MUST BUY bib shorts.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.4.2017
By Pierre Geronimo Corvaia
From Rakúsko
Top Bib shorts
i basically can only repeat several reviews here, super comfortable but snug and close fit at the same time. If you have very short legs, it comes long -> close to your knees, but that´s not a downsize for this shorts . In general it an be said, that these shorts have also a nice mix of different material/fabric, that also makes it look superb. I am 175 - 82 kg and wear an L (tough i´ve tried on an M too - that was also ok but i personally prefer L on these).Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.1.2017
By John Matthew Bradley
From Veľká Británia
Amazing fit
Love the rlght compression fit to these, I'm 5'8" and 11 stone! and medium is perfect, nice tight race fit but not so it's restricting, can go size large for the Sunday club ride with leggings underneath but medium is perfect for summer Service and packaging amazing from Isadore as per usual will thoroughly recommend and will be returning for more Thank you Isadore Team ????????????Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.11.2016
By Igor Jurisica
From Kanada
Very comfortable, light - tested in high temp, sun and rain - excellent choice for longer rides.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.11.2016
By Martin Page
From Veľká Británia
Superb lightweight shorts
I am 182 cm and 75 kg, and wear a size M- nice snug fit, and good length (I find some makes like Assos cut the legs too short). They are really comfortable and beautifully made, with different fabrics in some panels. The pad is slightly thinner than some I have used, but has a good density and are as comfortable as any I have tried (Assos, Sportful, Castelli). The grippers work well and they stay in place perfectly. The price is very reasonable for the quality, and I will undoubtedly buy more pairs when I need to replace other shorts.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.10.2016
By Jan Eichler
From Česká republika
Great shorts!
Simply excellent bibs! Looks very stylish, have a nice firm fit without pressing too much, padding is just, I like the fact they tend to be a little longer. No reason to hesitate.. P.S. Also durable when you hit the deck, as I could see this weekend :( Lost a lot of skin under and althougt the fact the asphalt was very structured with many small stones, not smooth at all, those bibs looks completely untouched..impressive!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.8.2016
By Hans Luijendijk
From Holandsko
Best bib ever
I own both the classic as the thermo bib short, but the climber bib short is the next level. In all ways best short ever. Beside that, I had some stiches loosen of the short, Isadore simply replaced it with a new one. Best services ever! Thanks. I'm 192, around 78/80 kg, wearing L.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.8.2016
By Mathias Jähne
From Nemecko
Gute Wahl...
...über 12 Stunden im Sattel und keine Probleme!!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.8.2016
By Aleksander Seruga
From Slovensko
good, better, THE BEST
I owned "classic" bibs and thermorobouix bibs and loved them both, so I said why not give these a try... I expected they would be as good as the others, I was wrong, these are even better, both fit and pad are and as I allready said I loved the "old" ones too... :-) For those who it might concern - 193cm 80kg and have the XL bibs...Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2016
By Oliver Wächter
From Nemecko
Hard to believe - but really the best bibs I own
I have a number of bibs from different manufactures (like Assos, Cafe du Cycliste, Suggoi, Garmin...) and everyone claims their pads to be the best, their fit to be the most refined, and so on. Marketing bullshit that needs to be put to the test. Now, I do not want to rant against any particular brand (though I had something to say about...), but simply tell you that after intensive testing, I found the Climbers Bib Shorts really to be impressingly good. Very good. These are the shorts I want to ride. Always. So I switch to the other bibs, just while washing and drying these :-)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2016
By Hannes Korte
From Nemecko
Super Hose!
Es ist wohl die beste Hose, die ich besitze! Bei der Größe war ich mir unsicher, ob S oder M passen würde. Ich (1,74m / 70 kg) habe mich für M entschieden und es sitzt perfekt! Das Polster ist extraklasse, auch Touren über drei Stunden sind damit ohne Probleme möglich. Klare Kaufempfehlung!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2016
By Russell Boyd
From Spojené štáty americké
Buy these bibs, you won't regret it.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.7.2016
By Ales Palcic
From Slovinsko
good bibs
I cycled with them last two weeks from Barcelona (Spain) to Ljubljana (Slovenia). After a rainy day, they are scraped on the inner side of the right leg. Sad :(Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.6.2016
By Peter Boden
From Veľká Británia
climbers bib shorts
The best bib shorts ever,so good I've bought two pairs.The are extremely comfortable,stylish and understated and the fit is so good they could have been made for me.Like all Isadore garments the attention to detail and quality is excellent.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.6.2016
By Peter Boden
From Veľká Británia
climbers bib shorts
A great fit,stylish and understated-they could have been hand made for me.The pad is the best I've ever experienced,over other high end brands.They are so good I've bought two pairs.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.6.2016
By Patrick Matheson
From Veľká Británia
Found the best bibs
I own a number of bibs from well known companies but the others don't compare to these. Very comfortable on long rides and have held up well when I had a fall. These will be the only bibs I will be buying from now on.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.6.2016
By Lukas Jusko
From Slovensko
This new Isadore bibs come with even better chamois and bibs material is also more enjoyable on skin and comfortably compressing.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.6.2016
By Ian Whitaker
From Veľká Británia
First class quality product
These bib shorts fit perfect, look great and feel good, a quality garment to equal all the other top brands. I look forward to purchasing other products in the not too distant future. Ian Whitaker Ravensthorpe C.CUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.6.2016
By Áron Macsicza
From Slovensko
These bibs will blow your socks off!
I am a person of reviews, recommendations and thorough researches regarding quality/price/value when it comes to purchasing something. This is my first experience with Isadore bibs. I heard about these bibs and I said I´ll give it a shot. I have to say when I tried them on at home I was blown away with the overall first impression even without being in the saddle. These bibs are made of excellent material, they are super comfortable, the cut is very smart. Comfortably compressing as well and the legs are sufficiently long. Definitely a pair of high end bibs. The price might seem high for some but believe me, you get what you are paying for. I personally believe you cannot get such quality for less money. Highly recommended, well done Isadore!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.5.2016
By Solomon Rimer
From Veľká Británia
The best bibshorts I've ever worn
Super comfortable, great fit, and the usual understated elegance from all Isadore products. I can heartily recommend them.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.5.2016
By Sami-Petteri Eskonen
From Fínsko
Exellent quality
Best ones I have had yet. The quality is outstanding. I like that they are a bit longer than usual.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2016
By Gary Tulloch
From Veľká Británia
Climbers Bib Shorts
Again, another classy well made product from Isadore, lovely fit, sizing is just right, and nice grippy edges. Top Marks!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.4.2016
By Christoph Bernsmann
From Nemecko
Großartige Hose, ich bin 2 Meter groß und schlank, in XL hat die Hose eine perfekte Passgenauigkeit und ist auch schön lang. Tolle Qualität. I`m 2 meters tall and slim. The short fitts perfectly in XL and it is not too short. The quality is very good.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.4.2016
By Claus-Dieter Kurz
From Rakúsko
Perfect Fit - Perfect Feel - Perfect Style!!Ukázať celú recenziu
Zobraziť viac
Signature Climber's Bib Shorts
Pôvod surového materiálu
Tkanina #1: Recyklovaný polyamid z Talianska, Recyklovaný elastan z Talianska
Tkanina #2: Recyklovaný polyamid z Talianska, Recyklovaný elastan z Talianska
Krajina pôvodu tkaniny
Cene, Taliansko: Bluesign, Oeko-Tex® Standard 100
Sevelen, Švajčiarsko s certifikáciou Bluesign
Krajina pôvodu hotového produktu
Produkt z Litvy s modulom ochrany životného prostredia Higg Facility
Nový názor na produkt