Signature Jersey
Signature dres je prvým produktom a stelesnením značky Isadore. Všestranný, udržateľný a nadčasový. Vytvorený na jazdy do rôznych podmienok.
Od chladných jarných rán a skracujúcich sa letných dní až po skoré jesenné večeri. Vyrobený z najjemnejšej merino vlny a recyklovaného polyesteru. Táto kombinácia materiálov ťa odizoluje od chladu ale ponúkne dostatočnú priedušnosť pre komfort vo vyšších teplotách. Recyklovaný polyester zvyšuje elasticitu a zlepšuje fit zatiaľ čo merino vlna zabezpečí efektívne odvádzanie nadbytočnej vlhkosti, vynikajúcu termoreguláciu a zamedzuje tvorbe zápachu. Hypoalergénna silikónová páska na rukáve udržuje tvoju líniu opálenia pod kontrolou a zadné vrecká poskytujú dostatok priestoru pre snacky na dlhé hodiny na ceste.
- Dvojzložková Merino vlna a recyklovaný polyester, elastan
- Prémiová Merino vlna neškriabe a je príjemná na dotyk
- Rukávy a bočné panely ušité z funkčnej odľahčenej tkaniny
- Vynikajúce termoregulačné vlastnosti aj kontrola zápachu
- Strih ponúka strednú mieru kompresie
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Poloautomatický zips YKK® pre ľahké zapínanie a rozopínanie jednou rukou
- Reflexné detaily na hrudi a chrbte pre lepšiu viditeľnosť
- Hypoalergénna silikónová páska na rukávoch
- Priestranné zadné vrecká s extra vnútorným vreckom na zips
Materiál 1.
- 61% recyklovaný polyester
- 36% merino vlna
- 3% elastan
Fabric 2.
- 71% recyklovaný polyester
- 29% Thermocool/Merino vlna (70/30%)
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
MIERA | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL |
A – Hrudník | < 85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 | 115-121 | 121-127 |
B – Pás | < 73 | 73-79 | 79-85 | 85-91 | 91-97 | 97-103 | 103-109 | 109-115 |
C – Boky | < 88 | 88-94 | 94-100 | 100-106 | 106-112 | 112-118 | 118-124 | 124-130 |
D – Dĺžka paže | < 72 | 72-74 | 74-76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 82-84 |
E – Dĺžka vnútorného švu | < 76 | 76-78 | 78-80 | 80-82 | 82-84 | 84-86 | 86-88 | 86-88 |
Hrudník – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Pás – obvod meraný v najužšom mieste
Boky – obvod meraný v najširšom mieste
Dĺžka paže – meria sa od krku po zápästie
Dĺžka vnútorného švu – meria sa od rozkroku po členok
Upozorňujeme, že uvedené miery sa vzťahujú na priemerné telesné proporcie. Pri výbere veľkosti zohľadni špecifiká svojej postavy.
Váha / Výška | 159-164 cm | 165-170 cm | 171-176 cm | 177-182 cm | 183-188 cm | 189-194 cm | 195+ cm |
V 60-66 kg | XS | XS | XS | XS | XS | – | – |
V 67-72 kg | XS | XS | S | S | XS | – | – |
V 73-79 kg | – | – | M | M | S | M | – |
V 80-88 kg | – | – | XL | L | M | M | L |
V 89-98 kg | – | – | XL | XL | L | L | XL |
V 99+ kg | – | – | – | 3XL | XXL | XXL | 3XL |
Nízka až stredná kompresia
Voľnejší strih, ktorý umožňuje absolútnu voľnosť pohybu bez obmedzenia výkonu. Určené na každodenné jazdy, pri ktorých je najdôležitejší komfort.

Product Reviews
Submitted 14.6.2021
By David Geczy
From Slovensko
Parádny dres
Po drese signature som pokukoval už dlhšie až som si ho musel kúpiť. Páčilo sa mi, že obsahuje merino vlnu a aj vačky na zadnej strane dresu + jeden so zipsom ideálny na malú peňaženku. Samotný dres hodnotím na najvyššej úrovni, veľmi príjemný materiál, síce po spotený smrdí viac ako čistý merino nátelnik, ale to je normálne. Nosí sa naozaj perfektne. Tu by som jedinú drobnosť podotkol, že som si všimol, že sa mi na chrbte začali robiť mierne žmolky, snáď to nebude pokračovať.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.2.2019
By Milan Hulman
From Slovensko
Súper materiál len odporúčamUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.10.2018
By Miloš Lisický
From Slovensko
Príjemný dres
Vždy keď si vyberám nejaký produkt od Isadore, pozorne čítam jeho popis, ktorý ho má charakterizovať. Potom pri nosení porovnávam, či tento popis súhlasí v praxi. Aj pri tomto drese musím konštatovať, že bol vyrobený presne tak ako som o ňom čítal a splnil moje očakávania do bodky.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.9.2018
By Lukas
From Slovensko
Design and comfort
I feel comfortable in this jersey. I also appreciate design, it's so minimalist.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.3.2018
By Tomáš Mikulec
From Slovensko
Úplná spokojnosť, kvalita bezkonkurenčná a rýchlosť dodania. Môžem iba odporučiť.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.9.2014
By Pavol Gabriš
From Slovensko
Vynikajúci dres...vrelo odporúčamUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.9.2024
By Fürnschuß Klaus
Perfect jersey
The jersey is awesome. It wirks at 30C as well as in 15C ir even below with a vest. The hersey fells so soft and good on the skin and furtheemore you don‘t need to wash it everytime you use it. Just hang it somewhere and its fine again!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.3.2024
By Daniel Jaber
From Spojené štáty americké
Purple for the Win
Exceptional fit and LUX merino make this jersey my go to piece of kit lately. Of the 3 signature jerseys that I own, this is my favorite color combo. Excellent wicking properties and super stylish.....Jersey doesn't sag when the pockets are loaded. Highly recommend.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.6.2023
By Miguel van den Wildenberg
From Holandsko
Exellent jersey!
Great and soft materials. Beautiful colours. The Signature line is my favourite; slim fit is not my thing. I like it more comfortable. Normally I wear size M, but the new Signature line is a bit more smaller than before, so I changed it (without any problem) into a size L.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.9.2024
By Johnny
Excellent quality! Comfortable, great fit and stylish. I'm 5 10, 73 kgs and wear a size M.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.8.2024
By Filip
unexpected quality with enjoyable color. love this jersey!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.5.2024
By Capde
Very soft materials. Beautiful Signature line is my favorite. My size is XS, 174 cm 61 kg, very small, slim. I like it more comfortable, so wear size M,Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.12.2023
By Keith
Good gear
Isadore make great quality products. This is the second jersey I have bought from them. Designs are practical & price good. Plus for me the fitting is perfect (tall & slim I wear size large in their range). Delivery is also quick.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.8.2023
By Ian
From Veľká Británia
Top stuff
I have an older Signature jersey with no recycled content (and a slightly heavier weight/coarser weave) and this new one, and they're both outstanding 3-season jerseys. The old one is 2-3 years old and still in shape, comfortable and with no visible wear. You wouldn't wear this in really hot weather, but any other time the wool is brilliant (unzip for the climbs). The cut is clearly designed to work with the weight of the wool blend - it will never look like a skinsuit, but feels lovely. Size M a racier fit - 1.88m 75kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.5.2023
By Santtu Ollila
Perfect fit and heat management
The XL fit perfectly for a 110cm chest and 86cm waist, observed no shrinkage after two rounds in the wash as per the instructions.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.5.2023
By Charles Allday
These signature tops are first thing on every time
The material is so much nicer than all the shiny nonsense about. The fit will be a personal thing but If you’re pretty lean I can’t see you not liking this product. I’ve worn out my last 2 iterations from simply using it every ride. You get what you pay for.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.5.2023
By Gunnar Czarnecki
Best cycling clothing I've ever worn
For me, the fit and fit of Isadore clothing is always perfect. Maybe I have the advantage of a standard norm figure, but things always fit perfectly. Materials feel great - great workmanship. I've been a customer for six months now and I can only say: This is the best cycling clothing I've ever worn. Many thanks to the Velits brothers and the entire team for this. It is very rare that I can speak so enthusiastically about a product. I hope now that the winter clothes (even if summer is coming first) won't disappoint me, but I'm optimistic. Thanks and keep it up!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.4.2023
By Raymond Luijbregts
Attention to detail
Amazing how much attention to detail this jersey brings to the table. Perfect all round jerseyUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.7.2022
By Kevin Byrne
From Írsko
Very nice top. I was concerned that the fabric might be itchy but it isn't at all. Have worn on three hour rides and is very comfortable. XL fit is perfect for me (86 kgs, 185 cm). Not suitable for the hottest of days but ideal for most summer days in Ireland.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.6.2021
By Matthew Spark
From Veľká Británia
Signature jersey
I'm 103cm chest, 1.75m tall and 80kg. Isadore said size M race fit and L relaxed fit, I got L in anthracite, it's perfect. M would have been too tight. Beautiful item, lovely ribbed sleeves, full zip, real class.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2021
By Frédéric Dedise
From Francúzsko
Beau maillot
Hello ! Aucun regret d'avoir passé une première commande, ce maillot est superbe. jolies couleurs (atlantic blue/jet black) sobre et élégant. 1m77 - 72 Kg - 98 de tour de poitrine, j'ai pris la taille M et c'est ajusté. L pourrait me convenir aussi. Merci pour la rapidité de livraison.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.11.2019
By Des O'Donnell
From Veľká Británia
Signature Jersey Atlantic Blue
My favourite jersey by some distance. Just replaced a slightly threadbare version 1 after many thousands of kms riding. The version 2 looks just as good with some subtle improvements, looking forward to wearing it in the warmer weather now. Dropped down a size to small (176cm/70kg) and the fit is perfect.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.10.2019
By Uwe Flad
From Nemecko
Nun habe ich nochmals eine Ergänzung zu meiner Bewertung vom 05.07.2020. Die Qualität und Trageeigenschaften sind wirklich gut, es hat ja auch seinen Preis!! Ich muss nochmals auf die Größe kommen. Die Trikot sind eng geschnitten, bei 178 cm und ca 76 kg war L die beste Wahl. Hätte ich M gewählt, wären die engen Ärmel noch enger gewesen. Allerdings zeigt sich nun nach 3 Monaten, dass die Farbe des Trikot am Rücken ausbleicht. Das sollte nach so kurzer Zeit nicht sein.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.9.2019
By Jens Wackerhagen
Tolle Farbkombination!!! Exzellenter Tragekomfort, super weich, der neue Armabschluss mit Silikon ist top. Verrutscht nix mehr... Ich mag die Farben sehr, diese stehen für mich für Outdoor und Abenteuer!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.8.2019
By Pelle Hestkjær
From Dánsko
Nice product and very good customer service
I am very satisfied with the Jersey, and I have bought two of them (in different colours). I think that the materiel is perfect for the danish weather. Regarding the size I read in the reviews that the product was a bit small. So with my 188 cm. and 86 kg. I choose size XL. When I tried them I thougt they very to big (compared to what I like when I ride). I think they were a little loose around the chest, shoulders and neck. After have them exchanged to size L I am very satisfied with the fit. I guess it is a matter of what kind of fit you like - I like it a bit tight and therefore size L is the rigtht for me with my dimensions. Concerning the exchange proces I am also very satisfied. I experienced a very good customer service and the employee, Natalia, was very helpfull and they did what they could to make the exchange go as soon as possible. I will definitely buy from Isadore again.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.7.2019
By Uwe
From Nemecko
Gut verarbeitet, gute Qualität
Meine erste Bestellung war in Größe M, jedoch zu knapp. Ich musste das Trikot tauschen gegen Größe L. Der Umtauschprozess lief reibungslos. Das Rückporto musste ich selbst bezahlen. Ich bin 178 cm groß, 75-76 Kg, Größe L passt nun perfekt. Die erste Fahrt mit dem Signature Radtrikot war bei 23 Grad, Sommerwind, ohne Unterhemd. Sehr angenehm zu tragen, nicht zu warm, sehr luftig. Das Trikot wurde danach nur gelüftet, kein unangenehmer Schweissgeruch. Alles in allem erhält man für das Geld eine sehr gute Qualität.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.4.2019
By Christian
From Nemecko
Really the perfect jersey for me. Stylish, highly functional and great quality. And not over-priced at all. A big thumbs up and a recommendation. I´m glad I decided for size XL. Anything else would have been much too tight. I'm 1,90 tall, wide shoulders. The pictured references would have been a little misleading and I was kinda unsure at first what to choose. But the larger option went absolutely fine for me.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.4.2019
By Markus
Companion for Portugal Atlantic Coast Tour
This jersey will be one of three Isadore jerseys for my 260 km- bicycle journey from Lisboa to Sagres. So far I tested it once - perfect combination of style and function!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.2.2019
By Jan-Nicolas
From Nemecko
Great Jersey
First, I was surprised that the Jersey feels thicker than the usual synthetic ones and I was unsure about temperature management. But on the bike it simply works. Especially as it doesn't feel sweaty like synthetic ones often do. I am 175 cm at 65 kg. I tried XS and S but prefer XS.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.2.2019
By Stephan Drooff
From Nemecko
Prima Wahl
Sehr schönes Trikot, angenehmer Stoff und Tragekomfort. Vorredner hat recht, das Rückenteil könnte noch etwas länger sein. Habe heute mein zweites Isadore Trikot geschenkt bekommen - auch sehr schön und passend!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.1.2019
By yomi adelaja
From Veľká Británia
Can't fault this jersey, the fit and the look is just superb
Submitted 4.9.2018
By Horst Gaiser
From Švajčiarsko
Nice Bike Gear
I ordered the Signature Cycling Jersey Atlantic Blue/black in size L, since according to the sizing table a "large" would fit. After receiving the shirt, it was just to tight. The exchange went very well and quick until I received it in size XL, which fits perfectly. My size is 190cm / 84kg. The material is a bit thicker than other bike shirts and feels great. I weared it for a 3 hrs ride in about 25 degees temperature and it was perfect. Recommend it fully.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.9.2018
By Dimitri Karpechenko
From Belgicko
customer experience 2.0
from delivery timinig to the packaging the experience was extremely positive! ordered S size for 1m72 and 70 kg and was fitting perfectly! The only comment for future clients: the price level is fully in line with quality level!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.7.2018
By Franciscus
From Holandsko
Fantastic jersey
Just bought my second signature jersey since I was extremely satisfied with my first one which I used extensively for over a year now. Used to cycle with synthetic jerseys but the merino - synthetic blend suits me much better in the changeable Dutch wheather. Bonus: it copes much better with odors so I don't need to wash it after each ride. It comes pricey but IMO totally worth it. Besides the product itself the customer service is top notch as well as the packaging. Recommended!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.7.2018
By Stirling Trayle
From Spojené štáty americké
A perfect jersey and a perfect purchase experience
Beautifully made jersey with exquisite material and attention to detail. The M size jersey fits as expected, no, actually better. I don't know, yesterday my spin felt unusually effortless...was it the jersey? Maybe, maybe not, but it sure felt extra great because if it. Thank you for making a great product and buying experience.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.7.2018
By Martin Rudolph
From Nemecko
Gutes Trikot, aber
Zum Anfang war ich begeistert von dem Trikot! Es fühlt sich sehr angenehm auf der Haut und hält einen auch an kühleren Tagen warm. Allerdings fing der mittlere Teil nach einiger Zeit/Wäschen an zu flocken, was zwar nicht die Eigenschaften beeinträchtigt, aber natürlich das ästhetische Empfinden! Ich habe zwar den größten Teil mit einem Rasierer entfernen können, aber das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren. Schade! Ansonsten tolles Trikot.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.6.2018
By Bogdan Vreuls
From Holandsko
Nice Shirt
I’ve bought this shirt and the Woolight Jersey Reseda. Both are very comfortable. This shirt is definately a bit thicker. The Mereno at first feels different than ‘regular’ fabric, but instantly feels natural. Packed the shirt for a cycling holliday for moderate weather conditions. It was very hot (30 degrees) so used the lightweight Reseda shirtUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.6.2018
By Paul Renson
From Francúzsko
Great fit, comfortable for all weathers and even for long rides. The zip pocket fits an iPhone 6S. 10/10 would recommend.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.6.2018
By Reinhard Kinzl
From Rakúsko
Reinhard K.
Tolles Trikot! Größe M passt mir, 181cm, 75kg, perfekt. Ev. könnte es am Rücken noch einen Tick länger sein, ansonsten gibt es mM nichts zu verbessern. Gute Verarbeitung, etwas dünneres Material an den Ärmeln und Seitenbahnen, Reißverschluss in guter, leichtgängiger Qualität, richtig fein auf der Haut. An warmen Tagen ohne, an etwas kühleren mit Baselayer getragen, deckt das Trikot einen Temperaturbereich von 15-25 Grad locker ab...Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.5.2018
By Andreas
From Rakúsko
Beautiful and very comfortable jersey
I like this jersey very much not only for its looks and fit, but for how it helps to regulate the body temperature. Highly recommended!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2018
By Dietmar
Ein erstklassigs Produkt, sehr gute Qualität und Passform. Der Materialmix funktioniert. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Der Support bei Problemen ist extrem engagiert. Vielen Dank Natalia. Das war absolute Spitze.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2018
By Philip Klein
From Francúzsko
Beautifully styled, sublime colour combination
Must be my favourite Spring top. Soft to feel, excellent fit. Wonderful jade green colour and detailed finishing around the pockets. Superb!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.3.2018
By Ronald Sydenham
From Nemecko
Signature Jersey
Bought this Tarmac Grey Jersey in the garage sale at a fantastic price. This is the second Signature Jersey I have the other being the Atlantic Blue. Great quality and very comfortable, the only I found is the Tarmac Grey. Jersey has come up slightly larger than my previous jersey, not by much but it is noticeable both are a size large. Delivery was very very quick considering it came all the way from Slovakia. Am never disappointed with Isadore whose customer service is second to none and are always a pleasure to deal with,have even had Martin reply to queries whilst away racing,that’s commitment to your. Brand.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.12.2017
By Marc Schmid
From Švajčiarsko
The best jersey I've ever tried on
I do mountain bike touring and cross country, but the demands to the apparel are not really different compared to road cycling. The fit is slim, so if you don't have a lean athletic posture, you'll have to go up one size. I'm 1.78m tall, my weight is 75kg and size L fits me close but not tight. The aesthetics are beautiful - the colors are vibrant and lively, there's something for every kind of taste. The material is well balanced - Merino in performance wear is nothing new to me, so I can assure that it works great in many different conditions. The construction quality is great - solid seams, reinforcements are at the right spots, the zips run smooth. The details are well thought through - the jersey is long enough to cover the lower back, there's a good amount of space in the back pockets to bring along your stash, though the zip pocket could be larger. What I really like is the high collar, since i have a very wind-sensitive neck. Altogether the best jersey I've ever tried on.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.12.2017
By Matthias
From Holandsko
One of the best jerseys money can buy.
An excellent jersey. Made with love to detail, fabric feeling really cosy, beautiful colour as well. I bought mine in L which fits perfectly. Whole customer service is also absolutely stunning. Keep up the great work.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.8.2017
By Teemu Oksanen
From Fínsko
Perfect balance
I'm a big fan of Merino wool! This jersey is perfect for cyclist like me who leaves in Finland. Here temperatures keeps around 15-25 celsius at summer time so this jersey gives perfect comfort. Not too warm and not too cold.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.8.2017
By Tomas
From Slovensko
I bought for it a bit colder summer days. This jersey feels very comfortable. I am 195cm/97kg and it is long enough. The fabric and craft are excellent!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.8.2017
By Marc Blomme
From Belgicko
Perfect from A to Z
The whole ordering and delivery process went smoothly, and the Jersey is simply a work of art. As is your marketing.. Beautifully packed, thanks for the personal message, wishing Natalia a wonderful rest of summer/start of autumn as well. Keep on riding. MarcUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2017
By Thomas
From Nemecko
Top Quality
The Jersey has an perfekt perfect fit. It`s likely to try it.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2017
By Harald Hellmuth
From Nemecko
Bei meiner Suche nach einem Radtrikot mit Merinoanteil bin ich glücklicherweise bei Isadore gelandet und war bereits von dem Internetauftritt und den enthaltenen Infos und Bildern, sowie der Größenberatung begeistert. Daraufhin habe ich mich für ein Isadore-Startpaket entschieden, meine Sonderwünsche bezüglich der Farbe von Radtrikot und Baselayer wurden problemlos erfüllt. Der Versand verlief sehr zügig, dazu die perfekte Verpackung und der persönliche Gruß war beeindruckend. Ähnlich erging es mir mit der Ware, Radtrikot, Baselayer, Radhose und Socken in erstklassiger Qualität und top Verarbeitung. Auf meine erste Ausfahrt im neuen Outfit habe ich mich sehr gefreut und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Alles sitzt perfekt und bietet ein sehr angenehmes Trage- und Temperaturgefühl. Ich bin rundherum begeistert und werde sicher wieder hier einkaufen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.6.2017
By Julien
Signature Jersey
I just tested the signature Jersey on a sporty 100 km ride. Very comfortable jersey, and beautiful too! Weather was hot (30°C) and I found the jersey to be a little too warm. Not a lot of air circulation to cool you down. Sizing is small (in my opinion). I'm 1m82/78kg, wide shoulders, strong neck and the size M is a bit too small, too tight around the neck and the arms. I got it on second hand so I can't return it. However, the construction seems very good, the colours are beautiful, and the fabric is very soft on the skin. It's the first high-end jersey I have, so I'm looking at details. It's a pricy piece of kit so you don't want to miss.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.4.2017
By Mathias Heppding
From Nemecko
Very good shirt. Due to the German weather I just wore it just two times but it is wonderful. By ordering via internet I often have the problem to find the fitting size. Here are some additional information which could help other users: Size XL, 188cm, 85 kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.1.2017
By John Matthew Bradley
From Veľká Británia
Amazing quality product
Very impressed with the whole buying experience with Isadore, from website to delivery, the service is second to none, the product packaging is superb and the quality of the garment amazing. I found the sizing a little different to our Italian branded friends! but perfect once I got it right, order two or three sizes as the returns process is simple so worth getting it right? I'm 5'8" and 11 stone and found the medium to be race fit but comfortable and large to be Sunday club ride fit ???? Will thoroughly recommend every day of the week to anyone, try the kit you won't be disappointed? I definitely wasn't, thank you Isadore will come back here to order ????Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.1.2017
By Erik
From Holandsko
Very nice shirt
I did not ride much with this shirt yet, but i did with a similar shirt (only another color). The quality is good, I like the cut and the I like the looks. Just a good and good looking shirt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.12.2016
Great jersey, great fit, 187cm, 78kg, size MUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.11.2016
By Reinhard
From Rakúsko
Eines der besten...
Das Signature Radtrikot ist schlicht und trotzdem zeitlos schön. Vorne und hinten aus etwas dichterer Merinowolle, seitlich und an den Armen um einiges luftiger. Perfekt für warme Frühlings, Sommer und Herbsttage - für den Hochsommer eine Spur zu warm; Die Rückentaschen sind tief und bieten viel Platz, dennoch sind die dort verstauten Gegenstände gut erreichbar. Etwas länger und relativ schmal geschnitten. Tolles Preis/Leistungsverhältnis;Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.11.2016
By Martin Page
From Veľká Británia
A stylish classic!
I bought the harbour blue/white version. This is a great jersey, beautifully made with lovely detailing- it looks like it should cost twice as much. The merino material makes it comfortable in a good range of temperatures. The white sleeves and side panel are in a lighter, more ventilated material. I bought size M (I am 182 cm and 75 kg) and it is a perfect fit- reasonably snug but not tight. I have other jerseys with more of a racing fit that I use for serious efforts, but for everything else this is my favourite. I will buy more in other colour combinations. I have developed a bit of an Isadore 'habit'!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.10.2016
By Benjamin
From Nemecko
Great piece of kit
I've been riding in this jersey for a few months now and have yet to find something negative about it. The fit is great (I'm 180cm at 70kg and wear M), it keeps sweat away from the body and is great for somewhat cooler summer weather. Nice style which combines with almost anything else.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.10.2016
By Ivan
From Chorvátsko
Elegant jersey
I'v been using this jersey for few months now. Size S fits perfectly for my 178cm and not so pro peloton siluete :) Material is very soft and feels really comfortable on my skin. Colour after all this washes did not fade away nor did jersey stretched or deformed in any way. Zip pocket on the back is not big enough to fit my phone or small wallet.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.9.2016
By Richard Smith
From Veľká Británia
I love it!
This is a truly beautiful jersey to look at and to wear. I'm 75kg and 186cm tall and the large fits me perfectly. I recently wore it for a 100 mile sportive as a base layer and I truly forgot it was there - it was so comfortable - it wicks very well and I felt dry at the end of it. Highly recommended as an alternative to something like Rapha. I'll definitely be back for more :)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.9.2016
By Joachim
From Veľká Británia
Famoses Trikot, passt super und ist angenehm zu tragen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2016
By Hannes Korte
From Nemecko
Perfektes Trikot
Es ist wohl das beste Trikot, das ich besitze! Bei der Größe war ich mir unsicher, ob S oder M passen würde. Ich (1,74m / 70 kg) habe mich für S entschieden und es sitzt perfekt! Die Taschen haben eine gute Größe, die Reißberschlusstasche ist ist groß genug für ein Smartphone und Wasserdicht, oder zumindest Wasserabweisend. Das Material des Trikots ist klasse, Merino ist bei Hitze und wenn es kühler wird einfach super! Nur die Farbe ist in Wirklichkeit etwas anders, nicht so knallig rot, wie auf den Bildern auf der Homepage. Klare Kaufempfehlung!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2016
By Jarkko Van den Brande
From Belgicko
First time merino wool.
Great jersey, great fit, thermocontrol, just great, and pricing is also good.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2016
By Jarkko Van den Brande
From Belgicko
First time merino.
Submitted 21.8.2016
By Jarkko Van den Brande
From Belgicko
First time merino.
Submitted 21.8.2016
By Jarkko Van den Brande
From Belgicko
First time merino, suberb.
First time for everything, with the merino jersey. Is awesome. Great feeling and temperaturecontrol. And pricing is good. Thanx also for the personal note written. Little things make the difference. Next year gonna buy more colors and underlayers. Thanx, guys.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.7.2016
By Samuel Gailland
From Švajčiarsko
Très bonne qualité, service rapide. Super confortable et bien réalisé. Toutefois dommage pour les frais de douanes.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.6.2016
By Peter Boden
From Veľká Británia
Signature short sleeve jerseys
I have two Signature jerseys and the quality and fit are excellent. Since I discovered Isadore,I don't wear any other cycling apparel.They wash very well,although as with all my Isadore garments I use a non-bio delicates hand wash.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2016
By Gert Greiner
From Nemecko
Das Trikot ist einfach nur gut. Super Passform, tolle Qualität und sieht klasse aus. Ich würde mir nur eine größer Tasche mit Reißverschluss wünschen, wo zum Beispiel ein Handy reinpasst. Die kleine mit Reißverschluss innerhalb der großen rechten reicht gerade für Geld und einen kleinen Schlüsselbund.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.3.2016
By Christian Bruhn-Petersen
From Dánsko
World class product!
I bought couple of thing from isadore (Bib short - Roubaix, Jersey Signature and socks), and it's brilliant, the feeling of the material and style is outstanding! I think this brand within cycling clothes is the best you can get! Compared to Rapha, it's more value for money, I love the ide behind developments of the clothes! The best recommendation I can give is, buy buy buy!:)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.1.2016
By Stephen Hoyle
From Veľká Británia
Quality product & fantastic service
The Isadore staff provided a fantastic service, always polite, helpful and prompt. The returns service was excellent (ordered two sizes). Also I am very pleased with the product that I have purchased. The product is equivalent to 'Rapha' quality but cheaper. That is praise indeed.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.10.2015
By Royce Walston
From Spojené štáty americké
Premium Cycling Apparel
I was excited to come across Isadore, and was anxious to try out the line of apparel. It certainly met my expectations of a premium clothing line. The jersey is fantastic. Extremely comfortable and fits perfectly. Feels great in a wide temperature range. Very comfortable in the collar, being the first jersey that has felt good fully zipped up. Love the detail touches of quality and styling.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.9.2015
By Mark Drost
From Holandsko
Submitted 15.9.2015
By Martin Lieberherr
From Švajčiarsko
Verarbeitung Top, Tragekomfort Top, das beste Trikot was ich je hatte!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.9.2015
By Stephen Ridett
From Dánsko
Submitted 1.9.2015
By Lee Utting
From Veľká Británia
Best Jerseys I Own
I bought two Isadore jerseys, this one for Etape du Tour due to the heat. I was brilliant and the pockets are like a tardis but also at the right level to get easily get what you need, unlike some other brands.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.8.2015
By Mark North
From Veľká Británia
High quality, stylish product
I couldn't be more impressed with this high quality garment, which is undoubtably the most comfortable fitting jersey i've ever worn. I love the simple classic styling and the tasteful detailing. The jersey is a close cut but the sizing guide is spot on, i'm a 104cm chest and the XL fits close but not tight...and it looks great on. My customer service experience with Isadore was exceptional and I will certainly be back for more of your awesome products.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.7.2015
By Ed Newey
From Švajčiarsko
Excellent Jersey
This really is a fantastic bit of kit. the small details are lovely, (pockets, insulated / protected zipper pouch) and the fit is outstanding. the material feels so nice against the skin and tempreture control is remarkable. Moisture is wicked away better than specific "summer" tops i have from other brands and it gives that extra protection when coming down a chilly mountain pass. It works particularly well with the sleevless base layer. I will only buy this for all future jerseys (just some different colours!). Buy one - you will be impressed.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.7.2015
By axt alexander
From Nemecko
just great! period.
clothes with unquestinable/above standard quality, a justified price tag & a seldom to find customer Service! what else could you wish for. thanks guys!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.7.2015
By Philippe Lemmens
From Belgicko
Beautiful jersey
I had purchased the signature red/black jersey and the quality of the fabric was perfect for me, so I ordered this grey-light kaki/black jersey aswell as it fits as a semi race/semi urban jersey.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.7.2015
By Volker Hollenstein
From Rakúsko
Excellent shirt, comfortable fit. Very satisfied with the quality and the fast delivery.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.6.2015
By Dean
From Spojené štáty americké
Perfect Jersey
This jersey, for me, fits perfectly. The sizing chart is very accurate. The jersey is a slim fit. It is light, and the merino-blend fabric feels especially soft. In the sunlight, the black sleeves look almost deep-green in color, which matches the gray of the jersey well. The style and the colors are subdued, with minimal logo branding. Buy it. You won't be disappointed.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.6.2015
By Günther Sabinsky
From Nemecko
My entry into the "drug" Isadore
My first Isadore jersey and my entry into the "drug" Isadore. The signature cycling jersey was part of the introduction bundle including bib shorts, the sleeveless merino base layer and merino socks. I am not someone who is easily impressed but meanwhile I have done a few rides with the new kit and all my expectations have been exceeded. Everything is just perfect: the quality, the fit (I am 1,70 m tall und weigh 64 kg and size S fits perfect), the timeless look, the price and last but not least the service. A big thank-you to the whole Isadore Team! And Dana, thanks for the very personal and kind words on the hand signed card.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2015
By Kevin Finch
From Veľká Británia
Comfort, Style & Detail
Like all of the Isadore jerseys, this has the highest level of comfort I've experienced. Another great colour which looks really good and feels soft and cool next to the skin. Everything works on Isadore jerseys, the pockets are large and strong, the tail gripper grips without riding up and zip is smooth and easy. The value is very good too, because I would rather have 1 Isadore jersey than 2 cheaper, mass-market, lower quality ones. Buy one now, you will not regret it. I'm 1.78m (5' 10") and 75kg (166lbs) and size L fits me perfectly - comfortably fitted, but not really tight.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2015
By Kevin Finch
From Veľká Británia
Comfort, Style & Detail
Like all of the Isadore jerseys, this has the highest level of comfort I've experienced. It looks really good feels soft and cool next to the skin. Everything works on Isadore jerseys, the pockets are large and strong, the tail gripper grips without riding up and zip is smooth and easy. The value is very good too, because I would rather have 1 Isadore jersey than 2 cheaper, mass-market, lower quality ones. Buy one now, you will not regret it. I'm 1.78m (5' 10") and 75kg (166lbs) and size L fits me perfectly - comfortably fitted, but not really tight.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2015
By Kevin Finch
From Veľká Británia
Comfort, Style & Detail
Like all of the Isadore jerseys, this has the highest level of comfort I've experienced. It looks really good and the Limoges blue is my favourite so far. Everything works on Isadore jerseys, the pockets are large and strong, the tail gripper grips without riding up and zip is smooth and easy. The value is very good too, because I would rather have 1 Isadore jersey than 2 cheaper, mass-market, lower quality ones. Buy one now, you will not regret it. I'm 1.78m (5' 10") and 75kg (166lbs) and size L fits me perfectly - comfortably fitted, but not really tight.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.4.2015
From Taiwan
這是我穿過最舒適的羊毛車衣,尤其是在亞熱帶的台灣!這裡濕熱的氣候非常適合isadoreapparel!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.3.2015
By Philippe Lemmens
From Belgicko
The colours and quality are as beautiful as on the website. A comfortable, flexible jersey that will be ok to wear in spring and summer, even with armwarmers on not so hot days. Size is as advised on the website.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.3.2015
By Peter
From Veľká Británia
Bought as part of the 'Introduction Bundle' - fantastic value and quality. I would say it is a small Medium (when compared to UK equivalent), but still pretty true to size. Extremely well designed with lovely details/features.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.1.2015
By Beat Siegrist
From Švajčiarsko
Sehr schönes Trikot in sehr guter Qualität, passt perfekt. Sehr schnelle Lieferung und sehr netter Kontakt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.1.2015
By Beat Siegrist
From Švajčiarsko
Sehr schönes Trikot in sehr guter Qualität, passt perfekt. Sehr schnelle Lieferung und sehr netter Kontakt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.9.2014
By Owen
A luxury product
Packaged beautifully in a neat box, luxury feel to the fabric and a perfect fit (6ft, 13st - ordered an XL) the Signature Jersey is a comfortable and extremely stylish addition to any cycling wardrobe. My only criticism is that the black/white version was out of stock at time of ordering as I wanted to order that as well as the red!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.9.2014
By Adrian
From Veľká Británia
Signature Jersey
My new favourite jersey. Beautifully designed and made with nice attention to detail. The fit is close and the service from Isadore was great, mine arrived in the UK in five days.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.8.2014
By André Kondziela
From Nemecko
Signature jersey
A very beautiful and stylish jersey. The fit is perfect, the function too. Awesome, 5 stars are not enough...Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.8.2014
By nestor zanon
From Taliansko
Very comfortable to wear. Fit is perfect. Great service and fast delivery. Will surely recommend Isadore to other cyclist & friends.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.8.2014
By Hubert Duijzer
From Holandsko
Great jersey, excellent company
A very good looking jersey, it fits really well and a lot of well thought details; small zipped extra back pocket,extra sturdy where you grab the main full zipper, etc. Unfortunately i had an unpleasant chrash wich damaged mainly my sleeve. One mail with the repairs section later, i had to send my jersey back for a free repair. Awesome customerSERVICE on a great product. Really recommended!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.8.2014
By David
From Veľká Británia
Worth the money!
This is my first piece of Isadore clothing and am very impressed. Super soft and comfortable to wear, this feels like it'll be warm enough to wear on spring and early autumn rides. Currently saving up for another!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.7.2014
By Marlon Kruis
From Holandsko
Great quality with a personal touch!
I just love the colour & feel of this shirt and the little details on it are amazing. Also the personal note and great communication with the Isadore team is an example on how to keep your customers happy! Will surely recommend Isadore to other cyclist & friends.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.7.2014
By dara hayes
From Írsko
Signature Jersey
This is a very comfortable and well-fitting jersey. The size guide was very accurate. The zip is good and moves easily. It seems to be well made. Just as importantly, it has been much admired on club runs. I like also that it's made in the EU. The best recommendation that I can give is that I've since bought another.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.6.2014
By charles wijnker wijnker
From Holandsko
Signature Jersey
Beautiful shirt! Excellent quality, great attention to detail and good fit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.6.2014
By Roman Zellweger
From Švajčiarsko
Very stylish shirt
I really love to wear this shirt. What I love most are the details, the material and the cut. For example the high closing zip in the front is some kind of useful, when there is a lot of wind, so I don't wear an extra scarf. Also the Isadore - sign is stylish. Just some different way of producing quality sports clothing. And especially for cyclists that don't want to wear only the team dresses or always the same styled shirts and trousers.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.6.2014
By Oliver Cornelissen
From Nemecko
Signature Jersey
The quality is outstanding, comfortable fabric and perfect seems, lots of smart details like extra rear pockets with zip. The collar is rather high, good for intermediate days. Breathable material of arms and side panels which works well on warmer days. I wear this jersey on cooler days in combo with a merino base layer and use it over a temperature spread of around 13-27 degs, on hotter days I prefer lighter materials.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.6.2014
By Gerrit Bornmüller
From Nemecko
Great Jersey
I'm very pleased with this jersey. It has a nice design, a fine quality and it is very functional for long days on the road. The zipper works well and there is a lot of space in the rear pockets. I used it for more than 1k kilometres now and after several times of washing it looks like it was just delivered.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.5.2014
By Andreas Hering
From Nemecko
Very Good Quality
You guys did a very good job with this trikot. very good quality and a wonderful feeling on the skin, because the merino wool works very well. thanks for the service and fast delivery.Ukázať celú recenziu
Zobraziť viac
Signature Jersey
Pôvod surového materiálu
Recyklovaný nylon overený GRS® pôvodom zo Španielska, elastan z Talianska a recyklovaný elastan overený GRS® z Nemecka
Krajina pôvodu tkaniny
Tkanina z Talianska s ochranným označením Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 a certifikátom organizácie Bluesign
Krajina pôvodu hotového produktu
Finálny produkt z Portugalska s certifikátom TÜV ISO 14001
Nový názor na produkt