Women's Merino Deep Winter Baselayer
Nátelník je veľmi dobrým doplnkom k našim Nohaviciam Ovada do tuhej zimy a umožní vám čeliť tomu najchladnejšiemu počasiu, aké vás na bicykli môže zastihnúť.
Prekvapivo tenký materiál nátelníka Ovada do tuhej zimy priam odporuje tomu, v akom teple vás tento kúsok dokáže udržať. Tento nátelník vyrobený z inteligentnej zmesi Merino vlny a polyamidu ponúka teplo a priedušnosť. Bezšvová pletenina s predĺženým torzom vás zakryje čo najviac, zatiaľ čo rolák nepustí k vašej brade žiadny mrazivý vietor. Dlhšie rukávy s otvormi na palce zase zaistia ochranu vašich zápästí pred vytrvalým vetrom.
- Špeciálny dámsky strih
- Tubulárny úplet dramaticky znižuje počet švov
- Tenká, nie príliš hrubá pletenina
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Časť na hrudníku je vyrobená z extrémne tenkej a elastickej membránovej látky, ktorá pomáha chrániť pred najostrejším vetrom
- Nátelník priľne tesne k telu a má otvory na palce, vďaka ktorým sa rukávy nevyhrnú
- Predĺžený rolákový golier na krku
- 40% Merino vlna
- 60% polyamid
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
Tabuľka rozmerov (cm)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 61 – 64 | 64 – 67 | 66 – 69 | 68 – 71 | 70 – 72 | 71 – 74 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 74 – 78 | 78 – 82 | 82 – 86 | 86 – 90 | 90 – 94 | 94 – 102 |
C - BOKY | 78 – 82 | 82 – 86 | 86 – 90 | 90 – 94 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 102 |
Tabuľka rozmerov (inch)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 24 – 25,2 | 25,2 – 26,4 | 26 – 27,1 | 26,7 – 28 | 27,6 – 28,3 | 28 – 29,1 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 29,1 – 30,7 | 30,7 – 32,3 | 32,3 – 33,9 | 33,9 – 35,4 | 35,4 – 37 | 37 – 40,1 |
C - BOKY | 30,7 – 32,3 | 32,3 – 33,9 | 33,9 – 35,4 | 35,4 – 37 | 37 – 38,6 | 38,6 – 40,1 |
Všetky naše nátelníky pôsobia ako druhá pokožka. Extrémne slim fit strih s predĺženou zadnou stranou pre ochranu krížov. Rozmery našich nátelníkov pre všetky veľkosti sú však navrhnuté tak, aby spĺňali štandardné parametre konfekčných veľkostí oblečenia, ktoré zvyčajne nosíte. Ak však dávate prednosť voľnejšiemu strihu, odporúčame zvoliť o jednu veľkosť vyššie.

Product Reviews
Submitted 15.8.2023
By Marián Leško
From Slovensko
Nátelnik , bez ktorého si neviem predstaviť jesennú alebo zimnú jazdu . Posledné zimné sezony často využívaný aj na lyžovanie a turistiku . Výborný , odporúčam .Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.12.2021
By Martin Čápek
From Česká republika
Good baselayer
I had big expecations from this baselayer. I have chosen according to the size table size S, but I was not able to put my second shoulder inside :) I had to exchange for a M (just for reference 85 chest, 78 waist, 67kg). Exchange was really fast. Today I had fist ride in just light GORE-TEX soft-shell and this baselayer. It was around 1 degree and it works fine. I was not freezing or overheating much. I was a bit sweaty but I did not feld cold. I have just one reservation, holes for the thumbs are way too sharp. In overall it is a good product.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.11.2024
By Olivier Reichling
bonne taille
1,75 & 75 kg taille M parfaitUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.9.2024
By Rox
Deep Winter wind cheater
This is just the best base layer ever… wasn’t keen on the roll neck idea at first but it is perfect soft and comfortable, unnoticeable apart from keeping the draughty condition away from my neck and upper back. The windproof panel on the chest is simply the best thing in my cycle wardrobe.. it works a treat and especially when I have my outer layers open for ventilation this panel keeps chill away from my chest. The material is comfortable against my skin and fits really well, I love the long sleeve length and the thumb holes help when I’m pulling layers on top but I don’t use them afterwards as generally feel them as uncomfortable… however they definitely help make sure the sleeves are not rucked up under my outer layers… so good I bought a second one to keep for fear of Isadore discontinuing this MARVELLOUS piece of cycling MAGIC ????Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.5.2024
By Carsten Goetsche
From Nemecko
Schnelle Lieferung, sehr gute Qualität, top Passform: 180cm, 71Kg, 94cm Brust = Größe M. Ich kann das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.2.2024
By Paldo
Comfy & practical
Size is spot on plus extremely comfy base layer, really the most practical addition for winter rides. Only problem is, now i am not using any other base layers!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.1.2024
By federico
the only base layer you need
tested in 0° and 5° condition this base layer is the most important layer you need the rest can be just fashionUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.12.2023
By Olivia
Just what I needed
This base layer is my go-to option for winter morning rides in London. It is light and doesn't save any aromas. Great addition to my wardrobe!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.12.2023
By Manfred
Besser geht's nicht
Fast zu schön, um es "nur" darunter zu tragen. Angenehme Qualität, Membrangewebe auf der Brust, schützt, ist aber nicht unangenehm steif. Trage normalerweise M, hab aber L bestellt und es sitzt angenehm eng. Perfekte Lieferung.Absolute Empfehlung.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.12.2023
By Dmitry
Almost perfect
I like this base layer a lot. And I think I almost get the idea of making it out of a thinner wool/material. But when the temps drop it becomes just too thin. I'd love to see the same made out of their thicker material like 165-200 g/m2. It would be even better for the colder climes, without the need add extra layers.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.11.2023
By francesco pozzi
From Taliansko
Submitted 20.11.2023
By Paul
Sehr guter Winter-Baselayer. Ich würde mind. eine Größe größer als normal wählen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.3.2023
By Vincent Hansen
From Veľká Británia
My Favorite!
This baselayer is one of the best of its kind. It fits comfortably like a second skin and is perfect for riding, skiing or running. The look is modern and performance oriented making it my favorite piece – not just as a baselayer. At around 0 to 5C, I combine this layer with the Merino Sleeveless Baselayer, Signature Thermal Long Sleeve Jersey and Echelon Gilet. Found that to create a perfect condition while riding. The sleeveless layer directly on skin, absorbs most of the moisture while the remaining layers keep it warm and comfortable.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.3.2023
By Eric
Great Product
Tested and approved during a deep winter ride in Flanders with fog, light Snow, wind and rain. Keep the warm under a light winter jacket. Really love the chest protection, no cold on the chest when you go down the hill or ride fast on the flat. Just missing the cuddle effect of theIsadore's Long Sleeve Merino.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.11.2021
By Carsten Mundt
From Nemecko
Keeps really warm in chilly conditions and has a very good haptic and soft feel to the touch, I immedeately threw the old "plastic" one I had from another brand into the garbage when the Isadore piece arrived. I usually do not like rollnecks, but here it is really good to wear and keeps your throat and neck warm without gagging you. I am glad to own it!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.4.2021
By Robert
does not work for me
I have several other items from Isadore and they are all perfect. This baselayer does not work for me though: it feels very cold on your skin when you even just sweat a little bit. Fit and style is good, but making you freeze is a no-go.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.3.2021
By Vladimir
From Slovensko
my skin is quite sensitive to itching, but i experienced no irritating at all. 3 hours riding in subzero conditions with isadore long sleeve jersey (*****) as top layer, absolute comfort. ( + thin windproof jacket on descent)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.11.2020
By Pali Mudan
From Nemecko
The Best baselayer
I have had a number of different base layers and the Ovada Deep Winter holds all promises. It is the best I have every used in the current freezing conditions. Functional, very comfortable and perfect to combine with other layers according to the outside conditions. To put it simple: it is every Euro worth and this quality makes you enjoy all those rides below +10 Celsius.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.11.2020
By Gert Pruijn
From Holandsko
Baselayer: almost perfect
The base layer is great, but the holes for your thumbs (so the sleeve doesn't ride up) are way too sharp. I had the scratches on my hands for over 24 hours after my ride.... Hopefully this will be improved in the next design to make this a perfect garment.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.2.2019
By James White
From Spojené štáty americké
Ovada Baselayer
Excellent base layer for 5-10 C damp weather when paired with a long-sleeve jersey or insulated jacket. Three layers with this as the base should easily allow comfort at 0 C.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.1.2019
By Mark
From Veľká Británia
Light, warm, wicking, nice long sleeves and those great holes for your thumbs so the sleeve doesn't ride up but sits halfway along the back of your hand under your glove. The 'polo' style neck is great too. All in all, a really super garment.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.1.2019
By Markus
From Nemecko
Bisher bei zwei Radtouren (+1 bis +6 °C, Wind, teilweise Regen) und bei mehreren Nordic-Walking-Touren ( unter 0°C) getestet. Angenehm auf der Haut, schützt die Lunge total gut gegen Kälte und Wind, sehr elegantes Design. Darüber trage ich beim Radfahren ein Thermerino Trikot und eine Marsala Merino Membrane Weste.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.1.2019
By Andreas
From Rakúsko
Best base layer for rides in cold wheather!
I have used this base layer now for the entire winter. It is warm and diffuses sweat very well. The high colar and the long sleeves covering also the hands ensure perfect insulation. I prefer it over the winter base layer of some highly reputed Italian brand. Highly recommended up to temperatures of 6-7 degrees with three layers, or up to 10-12 degrees with two layers. I love it as every other Isadore piece I have been using so far. One of the absolute top brands for cycle clothing.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.4.2018
By stefan
From Nemecko
amazing product in form and function
Submitted 23.3.2018
By Steve Trice
From Veľká Británia
Great base layer for very cold weather
This is easily the best cold weather base layer I've used. I normally wear medium sized jerseys but went for large in this case and it still fits snugly. Comfortably rode in -5 with just a windstopper type jacket on top (I set out with a light waterproof on top of the other 2 layers and was way too warm). The material feels pleasant against the skin, and wicks the moisture well - I've certainly never experienced that post-ride cold feeling as the sweat in the cloth cools down. All in all this is one of my favourite pieces of kit; warm, comfortable and effective. Highly recommended.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.3.2018
By Sébastien LEROY
From Francúzsko
Très bon produit!
Sous vêtement très confortable (sauf les passe-pouces).Ne déteint pas au lavage et ne bouge pas en taille. La poitrine est bien coupé vent mais ça reste respirant. Un Must!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.1.2020
By Daniel Pápež
From Slovensko
ked dostaneš viac ako si čakal
prečo tak málo hviezdičiek?čakal som od neho viac a dostal som ? nechcel som farbivo na veci,ako som sa potil všetko bolo čierne,ale inak sedí fajn a ani zpredu neprefúka a to je asi všetko...Ukázať celú recenziu
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