Women's Long Sleeve Shield Jersey Arctic 1.0
Dres s dlhým rukávom je jednoducho klasika. Tri veľké zadné vrecká a najjemnejšia dvojzložková Merino vlna z neho robia nevyhnutnú súčasť každej cyklistickej výbavy. Je skrátka pohodlný a štýlový.
Dres s dlhým rukávom vyrobený z inteligentnej zmesi Merino vlny a polyesteru sa v našej ponuke rýchlo usadil ako stálica zimnej kolekcie. Tieto dresy sú teplé, no nie príliš hrubé a zároveň príjemne priedušné. Môžete ich nosiť samostatne alebo v kombinácii s nátelníkom s krátkym rukávom ideálnej na jazdy začiatkom jesene. Vynikajúce sú aj ako prostredná vrstva počas mrazivých decembrových dní.
- Anatomicky tvarovaný strih prispôsobený ženským krivkám
- Teplý, no zároveň veľmi priedušný
- Najjemnejší dvojzložkový materiál z Merino vlny
- Silikónová páska okolo zadného lemu, ktorá udrží dres na mieste
- Navrhnutý tímom Isadore a Martinom Velitsom s využitím jeho skúseností z profesionálneho pelotónu
- Vyrobený na Slovensku
- Prídavné zipsovacie vrecko na chrbte, ktoré svoj obsah udrží v suchu a bezpečí
- Reflexné logo Isadore na zadnom vrecku
- Konštrukcia s bočnými panelmi, vďaka ktorej vám dres lepšie sadne
- Prídavné pútka na pohodlné vedenie kábla od slúchadiel pod dresom
- 53 % polyester
- 44 % Merino vlna
- 3 % Lycra
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
Tabuľka rozmerov (cm)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 61 – 64 | 64 – 67 | 66 – 69 | 68 – 71 | 70 – 72 | 71 – 74 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 80 – 84 | 84 – 88 | 88 – 92 | 92 – 96 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 104 |
C - BOKY | 78 – 82 | 82 – 86 | 86 – 90 | 90 – 94 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 102 |
D - GOLIER | 31 – 33 | 33 – 35 | 35 – 37 | 37 – 39 | 39 – 41 | 41 – 43 |
Tabuľka rozmerov (inch)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 24 – 25 | 25 – 26,5 | 26 – 27 | 26,75 – 28 | 27,5 – 28,5 | 28 – 29 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 31,5 – 33 | 33 – 34,5 | 34,5 – 36 | 36 – 37,5 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 41 |
C - BOKY | 30,8 – 32,25 | 32,25 – 34 | 34 – 35,5 | 35,5 – 37 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 40 |
D - GOLIER | 12 – 13 | 13 – 13,75 | 13,75 – 14,5 | 14,5 – 15,5 | 15,5 – 16,25 | 16,25 – 17 |
Slim fit strih, Oblečenie je vyrobené z elastického materiálu. Rozmery našich výrobkov pre všetky veľkosti sú však navrhnuté tak, aby spĺňali štandardné parametre konfekčných veľkostí oblečenia, ktoré zvyčajne nosíte.

Product Reviews
Submitted 9.10.2023
By Matus
Fantastický a štýlový dres!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.9.2020
By Lukas
From Slovensko
Ich habe das Trikot gestern zum ersten mal getestet (bei 13°C). Es ist sehr bequem, hält angenehm warm und es sieht einfach BOMBE aus. Ich würde es jederzeit nochmals kaufen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 24.7.2018
By Karolína
From Slovensko
It is very comfortable and extremely nice piece of sports clothing. I love the yellow colour with the logo. I tried it in colder conditions and I was satisfied with the warm feeling.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.10.2024
By Michael
Very versatile jersey
i use it in autum and spring as top layer and in really bad conditions as 2nd layerUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.5.2024
By Carsten Goetsche
From Turecko
Super Teil!
Schnelle Lieferung, sehr gute Qualität, top Passform: 180cm, 71Kg, 94cm Brust = Größe M. Ich kann das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.4.2024
Sehr schönes Oberteil, was sich sehr angenehm trägt. Leider war es etwas zu klein geraten.. ging leider zurück. also lieber eine Nummer größer bestellen. Lieferung und Rücksendung bestens.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.3.2024
By Nicklas Hazelblad
I have been riding this jersey on the "warmer" days trough the last bit of winter, going into spring (5° - 12°) and it has been an absolute blessing! The merino is perfect as always with isadore, and the windproof panels has really been put to the test. It has suceeded in every way possible. Great fit for me in size small 174 cm, 66 kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.2.2024
By Jiri
From Česká republika
Great design
Size: Chest size 106cm, right between XL and XXL. However, the XXL turned out perfect, incl. back and sleeve length. Design: + Very well thought out, the windshield on chest does a great job, yet does not get humid from the inside. + Wore this with a long-sleeve baselayer and was good for 6-7°C. For descent, a windproof vest on top was all I needed. - The pocket hems are too soft. After 2 rides with not much in the pockets, they hems are already loose.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.12.2023
By Wojciech Cembrzynski
From Veľká Británia
My second of those
Got it for half price and I have to say thanks Isadore! Great clothes worth every penny. Garment so good, you don't want to take it off.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.10.2023
By Klára
Perfect fit and material
This is my first Isadore jersey ever and honestly - this is the best jersey I’ve ever had! The fit is just right, both loose and tight. The material is very comfortable and I most appreciate the pockets, which are big enough for all the things I carry with me. Perfect for autumn or winter weather!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.10.2023
From Japonsko
Good Design and comfortable jerseys
I ordfered it for AW season. It's very good design and comfortable! Wind SHIELD is perfect!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.10.2023
By ナオミ
I like this product so much that I have it in different colors. Please continue to release new colors! I'm 156cm 53kg ,and I use size S and size M depending on how I ride.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.8.2023
By Carman
Good fit and look
The fit is accurate according to the sizing chart. It's also quite a warm layer so best for late Fall or early Spring weather riding. Really stylish for a jersey so hits all the right notes on hitting the pavement looking good!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.7.2023
By Wojciech Cembrzynski
From Veľká Británia
Fantastic piece of kit.
Quality jersey! Love Isadore's Merino tops. They make my cycling life more enjoyable. Here in UK where we've got only 2 hot months, those clothes are the game changers. Size L is just right fit for 181 cm and 74 kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.5.2023
By Magda
Perfect! Love the quality. Chill mornings through mild days. 174/64 size M. Perfect fit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.10.2022
By michael fraser
From Veľká Británia
great addition
I put off purchasing this jacket for a while purely cos of cost but pushed the boat out and bought one . My god what was I thinking. Everything about this jearsey is well worth the money looks great too. The material is superb so is the cut. Planning another purchase in a different colour.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.11.2021
By Gerald
From Rakúsko
Mein Lieblingsshirt..
...für Temperaturen unter oder um die 10 Grad! Mit Merino Baselayer auch um die Null Grad noch warm genug, und eine super Mischung aus Wärme und (leichter) Winddurchlässigkeit, so dass Schweiß rasch abtrocknen kann wenn die Intensität nachlässt..dadurch fühlt es sich auch bald wieder warm und trocken an. Ich trage L trotz "nur" 176cm, aber Brustumfang entspricht der Größenempfehlung..ist immer noch anliegend, aber sehr bequem.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.7.2021
By Marek
From Slovensko
Výborný na prechodné obdobie
Perfektný dres najmä na výjazd, keď nie je až taká zima, ale fúka nepríjemný studený vietor. Ochrana proti vetru je výborná. S vhodnou spodnou vrstvou sa dá komfortne jazdiť aj pri teplotách okolo 7°C.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.2.2021
By Romain Tryoen
From Francúzsko
Très classe
Un maillot manche longue dans les standards Isadore de belle qualité, finition impécable, très agréable à porter ( attention sert un petit peu le cou si on ferme le zip jusqu'en haut). Il tiens bien chaud jusqu'a 7/8c⁰ avec une veste sans manche. Taille parfaitement en M, je mesure 183cm 77kg. Bon investissement.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.11.2020
By Reinke
From Nemecko
Just came back from the first ride with this jersey: 2.5 hrs, 10°, windy and a little bit of rain. I bought this shirt for autumn and warmer winter rides. As i live close to the northern sea we always have windy conditions, so i needed a little extra protection. I was hoping for a cosy ride without the need of a gillet or jacket. Overall the performance was on spot and does what it says. It was a pleasure wearing the jersey! When the sun faded it got a bit cold, so i wouldn't recommend it for colder rides around 5°, but the extra shell worked in keeping my chest a bit warmer. The design by the way is a piece of art! I definitely would wear it on the streets, if it wasn't so tight (which is good for cycling of course). I'm 173cm, 66kg with wider shoulders (ex swimmer), the fit is tight, but on spot! Great piece!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.10.2020
By Reinhard
From Rakúsko
Noch besser ...
Habe mir bereits vor 4 1/2 Jahren die Ur-Version des Langarmtrikots angeschafft. Mit diesem war und bin ich sehr zufrieden. Isadore hat es aber mit einem Update geschafft es noch etwas besser zu machen. Passform, weicheres Material, Zugang zu den Taschen, ... auch optisch gefällt es mir sehr gut ... kurz: " ich bin begeistert" :-)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.10.2020
By Keith McDowell
From Veľká Británia
Great jersey
I have used these for a number of weeks in average temperatures of 4 degrees up to 11.5 by carefully choosing my base layer the windproof paneling on the chest really does a good job of blocking the wind and the fabric in general is of a fine weave that helps to block wind as well It will shrug a short rain shower off but when the rain became heavy I had to reach for my rain jacket however I did not feel a sweaty as normal and I'm guessing the natural fiber helped with my rain jackets breathability as it gets colder this jersey will be ideal to wear under a medio membrane giletUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.10.2020
By Christoph Küenzi
From Švajčiarsko
Gute Ware. schnelle Lieferung aber CHF 45.- Zoll- und Liefergebühren für die Schweiz. Da lohnt sich keine Bestellung mehr. Schade.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.5.2020
By Maxime
From Švajčiarsko
Product is not perfect, but the service is.
I chose to order 3 sizes to make sure I got just the right one. Less than 48h after ordering, I received the goods. Sending the unwanted items back was extremely easy. Unlike other companies, Isadore did all the paperwork. All I had to do was tell them when DHL could come by and print the shipping documents. Rapha for, for example, makes you prepare the shipping documents and arrange the pick up with DHL yourself. None of that here and that's great. Reimbursement was made to my credit card about 24h after they received the package. The jersey I kept started to fuzz after going into the washing machine. I contacted Isadore about this asking for an exchange and an explanation. I was told that this does happen on certain batches. (My girlfriend has a similar jersey and no fuzz for her). No questions asked, the next day DHL was there to pick up the goods and a few days after that my exchange item was here. So 5 stars for service and 4 for product. I used to swear only by Rapha but I think I am happy to a little pay more for this kind of service. I'll certainly be back for more.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.3.2020
By Patrik
From Slovensko
masterpiece for spring sessions
After few hundreds of spring kilometers can only recommend. Super warm with high collar and windproof material used for upper part of chest is ideal for fast cold descents. Im 192cm tall with 93kg and ordered two sizes L and XL both were quite good with length but L size was too stroked for me so i kept XLUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.1.2020
By Martin Krivička
From Slovensko
Great for my winter rides
Got this shield jersey snd it is superb for the winter rides (used it between 0-10 degrees celsius) with merino long sleeve base layer. Even during fast descents the cold air won’t bother you. Great thermoregulation also during high intensity climbs, never felt cold or too warm. And it looks cool as well!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.9.2019
By Mitchell
From Nemecko
The perfect combination of warmth and windblock.
I've had this LS jersey for a bit more than 6 months now. When winter came last year, I would pair it with a short sleeve baselayer and stay warm on very cold days around 0-10C. On warmer days, I can wear it without the baselayer and the merino wool helps regulate the heat very well! Overall, it's one of my favorite pieces of kit, especially with the windshield on the chest area. Life saver!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.7.2019
By Rebeka Balint
From Švajčiarsko
Not only nice, but with perfect technical parameters
High quality product, it's a pleasure to wear. As I am a rather short and not skinny type (wearing size S otherwise though), I had to change and chose one size bigger to feel comfortable in it. Super smooth customer support and a satisfied rider with her size M product.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 15.6.2019
By yomi adelaja
From Veľká Británia
cant ask for more...use till early December with just a baselayerUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2019
By eline de leeuw
From Belgicko
heel aangenaam om dragenUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.12.2018
By Max Odráška
From Česká republika
much good, very surprise, wow
using it as a midlayer while delivering food in temperatures about zero. on little warmer days i use it as a top layer when riding gravel & road combined with short sleeve jersey underneath.. I would like to use it as a toplayer when its warmer also when working but the garment is too fine to be ruined by the backpack use. works well with the long sleeve merino baselayer. I was very surprised by the good termoregulation merino offers. would appreciate a two-way zipper.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.11.2018
By 高宏典 Kao-Hong-Tien
From Taiwan
Great overall design
I like this simple but beautiful design. The front windshield is very good, and it has warmth when going downhill. The wool material makes me ride in a 15 degree environment and the overall design is my favorite!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.11.2018
By 高宏典 Kao-Hong-Tien
From Taiwan
Great overall design
I like this simple but beautiful design. The front windshield is very good, and it has warmth when going downhill. The wool material makes me ride in a 15 degree environment and the overall design is my favorite!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.11.2018
By Andreas
From Rakúsko
The best you can get for your money
I've been wearing this long sleeve jersey now for a few months in various weather conditions in fall. I'm extremely satisfied with its quality especially if compared to long sleeve jerseys from other brands selling at comparable prices. The merino wool keeps you perfectly tempered between 8 and 16 degrees with one base layer on. It perfectly absorbs and diffuses the sweat, and even in moist wheater conditions (fog with high levels of air humidity) it keeps you warm. The look is classy and the finishing is of high quality. Below 8 degrees I would use it as second layer below a wind proof jacket.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.9.2018
By Patrick Holleman
From Holandsko
Excellent quality Jersey
Used the jersey in Holland and Italy. Very comfortable, great fit. Keeped me warm during Stelvio descent. Very satisfied with this good looking product.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.9.2018
By Pascal Gerritsen
From Holandsko
Very good
Great jersey! Wear size L i'm 1.93 meters and 78 kilo. Quality is excellent.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.8.2018
From Veľká Británia
Fantastic Jersey
Love the Jersey! Apart from looking great, it is very comfortable, warm and versatile. On a cold blustery morning I wore it over a base layer and it kept me warm but not sweaty. I am 5.10 inches, chest 38inches, 75kg and the medium fits me well in fact a small would also be OK if you wanted a closer fit. I would recommend this Jersey, very happy with the purchase.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.7.2018
By Martin Matula
From Česká republika
Great looks and quality
This LS is so nice & stylish I almost wanted to wear it to bars & cafes. In the end I have decided to ride in it. I took it to Stelvio and it felt great all the time. I am 1,78 and 85kg, L size is on comfy side.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.7.2018
By Richard Lawson
From Austrália
Great quality, design and does what it says!
New customer to Isadore and not disappointed. Jersey is perfect for those cooler rides with only a good base layer required. Description really does describe its strengths, you won’t be disappointed. Great fit being a XXL 44” chest. Just ordered a second jersey as so pleased with the first. The personal touch from the Isadore team is a pleasure with quick despatch and professional delivery in super quick time across the other side of the world.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.5.2018
By Tim
From Nemecko
sehr gutes shirt!
Die mit Abstand beste Qualität die ich je hatte! Super stylish und bequem! Size S bei 1,78 und 70kg passt gut aber sitzt engUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.1.2018
By Tobias Ziegler
From Nemecko
Top! Wirklich schickes und warmes Trikot. Ich bin schon lange auf der Suche nach Trikots die eher schlicht und nicht nach Supersportler aussehen und dennoch die Funktion von Funktionskleidung haben. Hier bin ich fündig geworden. Hält mit einem guten Baselayer gut warm, gefahren bei 7 Grad. (176cm / 73kg Size M)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.12.2017
By Martin
From Nemecko
hot stuff-- heisser Scheiss-- bin 1,82m und 79 Kg und size L passt perfekt- eigentlich zu edel zum sportelnUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.12.2017
By Martin
From Nemecko
hot stuff- bei 1,82m und 79 Kg paßt L prima- fast zu schön um zu fahren :-)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 12.12.2017
By Simone Finotti
From Taliansko
5 stars is not enough!
It's stylish, it's really functional and it keeps you warm with temperatures down at 5/6° with only a good base layer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.12.2017
By Pieter Brankaer
From Belgicko
Great winter jersey
I love this jersey for winter rides. I'm always cold, so I used to always have to ride with a jacket. Now, up to around 5°C, I wear just this (combined with a ss baselayer), if it's cloudy I add a lightweight vest. It's, light, it's comfortable and it just looks good. General finish of the product is also topnotch. I'll be buying more from Isadore.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.11.2017
By Jelle Schunselaar
From Holandsko
Warm and good fit
Had about 10 rides wearing this jersey and really enjoy it! The shield keeps most of the wind out and combined with only 1 layer it was already sufficient when temperatures dropped to 5 degree celsius. i'm 1.88m and 78kg and ordered a size L, which suits perfect. Overall really happy with my purchase, it will definitly help me trough the winter and early spring!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.11.2017
By Andi Song
From Spojené štáty americké
Superb quality and fit
Really great- the merino is soft and warm. I love the shield-- basically eliminates the need for a gilet in most cases. I have the all-black color, and it's sophisticated, subtle, classy. I wear Medium, and I am 172cm/69kg with 101cm chest. Fit is slim, slightly stretched across the chest, but not tight.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.11.2017
By Konrad
Sehr schönes Langarmtrikot,trägt sich wunderbar angenehm,tolles Tragegefühl auch unter einer Softshelljacke.Trage es in Größe S,bei den Kurzarmtrikots aber XS, ich bin 174cm groß u.64kg schwer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.10.2017
By Markus Bee
From Nemecko
Markus B.
Auch dieses Trikot begeistert mich, nachdem ich meine Ausstattung aus Überzeugung ausgetauscht habe. M sitzt bei 187/74 perfekt. Der Windbreaker im oberen Bereich schützt die Brust perfekt. MIt longsleeve Merino Baselayer erspart es noch lange Weste oder Jacke und es fühlt sich wie alle Trikots auf der Haut einfach traumhaft an. Auch die Tatsache, das die Trikots durch ihren Merinoanteil nicht so stark nach Schweiß riechen erlauben auch mal eine Einkehr in einer Gaststätte statt nur im Biergarten...;-)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.10.2017
By Annie Raymond
From Švédsko
Yes, yes, yes!
This jersey was way more expensive than what I would normally be willing to pay, so I had extremely high expectations. I was not disappointed in the least: it is everything I wanted it to be. Being slender with long arms, it can be hard to find long-sleeve jerseys that are not too large in the body and still have sleeves that are not too short---the xxs here fits me perfectly and it is so, so, so comfortable. It is also warm while being very breathable which is a rare combination---it is not so cold yet here, and I certainly warm up as I climb, but it feels in no way uncomfortable and the fabric remains completely dry the whole way. I can already imagine how I will be able to wear this for quite a while by adding a base layer when the weather gets colder. Finally, I have to mention that the design is beautiful, elegant even. The only blemish for me on this otherwise perfect jersey is that little Isadore pin on the collar which brings it in Star Trek territory. If it weren't for that, I would actually wear this jersey off the bike as well.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.8.2017
By eric Barbey
From Francúzsko
For ride between 10 and 18°c
Sizing is perfect with the chart. Premium quality of the textil and the way it's built. Very smart, confortable to wear, and and practical with the pocket. A lot of small detail wich make it the jersey very chic.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.5.2017
By Hans Luijendijk
From Holandsko
Great shirt!
stylish, perfect fit, keeps you warm, but not to warm... masterpiece!!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.4.2017
Impressive quality and style
I recently purchased this as a gift for my wife and am impressed by the quality and style of the piece. Make sure you're paying close attention to the sizing as she is usually a Medium but is an XS in this piece. Thanks to model height and weight being posted, we purchased the correct size.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.2.2017
By Joachim
Eine schönes Trikot mit perfekte Passform, das gut vor kühlerem Fahrtwind schützt.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.1.2017
By Gary Thomson
From Spojené štáty americké
Pils! On the lighter side of warmth
Very nice jersey indeed fits good. More of a spring jersey as the wind will cut through giving a chill. Also just after one week of use noticed piling on the sleeves making the jersey look old & used before it's time. One more thing I'd like to add for customs I got four articles of clothing all black but each article is a different color shade of black which looks like a miss match kit on. Enjoy.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.11.2016
By Alessandro Galloni
From Taliansko
In love with it
Really great, used only with base layer with 5/6 degrees and it's perfect. (and really beautiful)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.11.2016
By Alessandro Galloni
From Taliansko
In love with it
Really fantastic :)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.11.2016
By Reinhard
From Rakúsko
Modisches und vielseitiges Langarmtrikot
Wie bei allen Isadore Teilen besticht auch das Shield Trikot durch schlichte, zeitlose und modische Optik. Das Trikot ist sehr leicht und nicht allzu dick. Allein getragen ist es perfekt für kühle Tage im Frühling, Spätsommer oder im noch warmen Herbst. Kombiniert mit Baselayern kann es auch bei deutlich kühleren Temperaturen gut gefahren werden. (bis 10° kein Problem.) Eignet sich auch gut als Wintertrikot unter der Softshell Jacke. Der Windschutz isoliert den oberen Brustkorb recht gut, ich hätte nichts dagegen, wenn dieser Schutz auch den unteren Oberkörper schützen würde. Mmn. nichts für nasse Tage (Wolle), aber ansonsten wirklich eine gute Wahl für viele Fälle. Der Schnitt ist sportlich bis normal..Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.12.2015
By Jens Feller
From Nemecko
Long Sleeve Indigo Blue
Top quality, the temperature regulation is the best i have ever tested.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.12.2015
By gerard miller
From Francúzsko
Ridden on a 4°C morning, certainly seemed to workUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.12.2015
By Tim Drijvers
From Holandsko
This piece exceeded my expectations. The fabrics are of an outstanding quality and the eye for detail is amazing! Love the feeling of this jersey, it's warm and the shield part works great! Love it!
Submitted 4.12.2015
By Lukas
This design and quality is outstanding. Perfect feeling during ride with great comfort is making me train even more.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.12.2015
By paul cheetham
From Veľká Británia
Long Sleeve Shield Jersey Indigo Blue M
Awesome / Unique / Stylish / Cool / Designed for Cyclists / Quality / Excellent Value For Money made by a great company with very friendly staff. Merry Christmas and keep up the excellent products.Ukázať celú recenziu
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