Women's Signature Deep Winter Softshell Jacket
Zateplená softshellová bunda, vďaka ktorej prekonáte aj to najchladnejšie počasie.
Počas dní, keď by sme radšej zostali doma so šálkou horúcej kávy v rukách, vás o tom, že ste dostatočne húževnatí, aby ste zvládli aj na tie najchladnejšie podmienky, presvedčí práve Sector. Vďaka kombinácii WindTex vonkajšej vrstvy a vnútru ThermoRoubaix vás spoľahlivo ochráni pred chladom, zatiaľ čo vás nepripraví o potrebnú priedušnosť.
- Špeciálny strih prispôsobený ženským krivkám
- Vyrobená z termoregulačnej softshellovej membránovej tkaniny Windtex® s vodoodolnosťou až 10000 mm
- Jemná ThermoRoubaix® tkanina na bočných a vnútorných paneloch pre lepšiu elasticitu
- Vybavená spoľahlivým zipsom YKK Vislon
- Ošetrená povrchovou úpravou DWR® (PFC Free), ktorá zvyšuje schopnosť tkaniny odpudzovať vodu a špinu
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Nenápadný branding s reflexnými panelmi na ramenách aj prídavnými reflexnými prvkami pre výnimočne dobrú viditeľnosť
- Dve klasické zadné vrecká a tretie zipsovacie vrecko
- ''Bomber'' vrecko na rukáve navyše so krytým automatickým zipsom na uschovanie cenností
- Reflexný branding pre lepšiu viditeľnosť
- Extra jemné česané vnútro pre lepšiu izoláciu
- Žakárová páska so silikónovou vrstvou na leme bundy, ktorá ju počas jazdy spoľahlivo udrží na mieste
Materiál 1
- 86% polyester
- 14% elastan
- 100% polypropylén
Materiál 2
- 51% polyamid
- 33% polyester
- 16% elastan
Materiál 3
- 80% polyamid
- 20% elastan
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
Tabuľka rozmerov (cm)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 61 – 64 | 64 – 67 | 66 – 69 | 68 – 71 | 70 – 72 | 71 – 74 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 80 – 84 | 84 – 88 | 88 – 92 | 92 – 96 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 104 |
C - BOKY | 78 – 82 | 82 – 86 | 86 – 90 | 90 – 94 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 102 |
D - GOLIER | 31 – 33 | 33 – 35 | 35 – 37 | 37 – 39 | 39 – 41 | 41 – 43 |
Tabuľka rozmerov (inch)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 24 – 25 | 25 – 26,5 | 26 – 27 | 26,75 – 28 | 27,5 – 28,5 | 28 – 29 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 31,5 – 33 | 33 – 34,5 | 34,5 – 36 | 36 – 37,5 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 41 |
C - BOKY | 30,8 – 32,25 | 32,25 – 34 | 34 – 35,5 | 35,5 – 37 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 40 |
D - GOLIER | 12 – 13 | 13 – 13,75 | 13,75 – 14,5 | 14,5 – 15,5 | 15,5 – 16,25 | 16,25 – 17 |
Slim fit strih, Oblečenie je vyrobené z elastického materiálu. Rozmery našich výrobkov pre všetky veľkosti sú však navrhnuté tak, aby spĺňali štandardné parametre konfekčných veľkostí oblečenia, ktoré zvyčajne nosíte.
Product Reviews
Submitted 4.11.2024
By Eva Herleová
From Slovensko
Výborný produkt do chladných a sychravých dní odporúčamUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.11.2022
By Radek Lukovský -obchod-kožená galanterie Luka
From Česká republika
Zimní bunda
Top produkt po všech stránkách . Dobrý střih a velmi kvalitní materiály .RLUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.11.2019
From Česká republika
Tuhle bundu jsem zakoupil a po prvních jízdách v teplotách okolo nuly je geniální . Za kariéru jsem vyzkoušel mnoho bund mnoha značek, ale tahle je ta nejlepší co kdy jsem na sobě vozil a jet 3 hodiny okolo nuly není problém, pod ní dvě vrstvy a cítím se báječně. Moc díky Isadore za tento produkt, koupě se vydařila, sedí perfektně na 170 cm velikost S. Už se těším na další výrobky Isadore a kvalita perfektní jen tak dále .Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.2.2024
By Becca
Fabulous jacket beautifully made and very high quality. However I did end up returning as the colour was not as bright as I hoped. I live in south of England where roads are busy and strongly feel high visibility is of utmost importance. Customer service was excellent and offered me prompt responses to all my questions Refund was promptly and without quibble returned to me Disappointed I had to return and it really was best jacket I have seen. I’ll be keeping an eye out for brighter colours and will definitely order if they get some!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.11.2024
By Micha
excellent winter jacket
very good quality jacket (as usual with Isadore), good fit, well designed pockets. side recommendation: I usually wear M with Isadore products, but this jacket was a bit too tight for me (180 cm, 72 kg), combined with a base layer.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.11.2024
By David
Super Jacke!
Jacke trägt sich sehr gut und hält was sie verspricht. Für meinen Geschmack könnten einzig die Ärmel ein wenig dünner gefüttert sein.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.11.2024
By Michal
Super bunda
Absolútna spokojnosť... Veľkosť M 170 cm/72 kg, širšie ramená...Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.10.2024
By Marcel
Vynikajúca bunda. Dobré prilieha a neprefukuje. Odporúčam všetkým.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.10.2024
By David Voborsky
Great fitting jacket
Great fitting and very comfortable jacket for colder weather. I am 183 cm and 88 kg, I bought size XXL, it fits perfectly. So far tested only in conditions of 8-14 °C. I was not cold or hot, I will see in colder days. The pockets on the back are great. So far very satisfied.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.9.2024
By Kasia
Sehr stylisch
Tolle Farbe, super Schnitt. Bin sehr begeistert!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.4.2024
By mickael lefebvre
From Francúzsko
review after 4 winters
I absolutely love this jacket and it has been my number 1 winter jacket for 4 years: Excellent quality, I use it for -5C to 6-7C rides. Excellent fit, beautiful color. It is my perfect jacket. I would not change it for ant other jacket!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 8.4.2024
Sehr schönes Oberteil, was sich sehr angenehm trägt. Leider war es etwas zu klein geraten.. ging leider zurück. also lieber eine Nummer größer bestellen. Lieferung und Rücksendung bestensUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.2.2024
By Ben de Vries
Excellent winter jacket
Excellent winter jacket. Used around 2-4°C with only a thin thermal base layer underneath. Sleeves are nice and long. Being 1.93m / 90 kg with long arms the XL is a perfect fit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.1.2024
By Tilo
Ich bin 171 cm groß, habe ca. 65 kg und habe die Jacke in Größe S genommen. Passt perfekt. Die Jacke hat einen sehr guten Schnitt und ist auch sehr gut verarbeitet. Hinten gibt es 2 Taschen, die dritte ist nur angedeutet. Die zwei reichen aber aus. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch am linken Arm eine kleine Tasche, wo man einen Schlüssel oder ähnliches unterbringen kann. Gewünscht hätte ich mir oben am Kragen eine Zippergararge für den Reisverschluss. Zur Isolation kann ich sagen, dass ich mir hier etwas mehr versprochen habe. Bei 5 °C fuhr ich mit einem Langarm Merino Unterhemd darunter, was ausreichend war. Wenn es gegen 0°C geht, brauche ich noch eine weitere Schicht darunter oder darüber. Das habe ich mir ein wenig anders vorgestellt, zumal sich die Jacke "Deep Winter" nennt. Ich habe die Jacke zu einem reduzierten Preis gekauft. Den ursprünglichen finde ich fast ein wenig zu hoch. Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich mit der Jacke zufrieden. Wegen der aufgeführten Punkte vergebe ich 4 und keine 5 Sterne.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 17.1.2024
By Henrik Duus
Very nice jacket
Very nice jacket. unfortunately a size too small. Ordered size M, but had to return it and order L. I am 183 tall and weigh 79 kg I have received the new jacket in L, but unfortunately I am still waiting to get my money back for the first orderUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 10.1.2024
By Peter
Najlepšia bunda akú som doteraz mal. Rozmer L na moju výšku 183 cm a váhu 83 kg výborne sedí. Krásne prilieha, tesní aj v oblasti krku, neobmedzuje v pohybe. Bunda je kvalitne ušitá.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.12.2023
身長158cm、体重46kgでXXSで丁度よい着心地です。身体のラインに沿ったデザインでスタイルも良く見え、赤と黒を買いました。このジャケットは最高です。Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.12.2023
By Milan / CZ
Vynikající! Perfektně sedí, na zádech dlouhá. S jedním trikem vespod od 1° - 10° C. A v medové jste na silnici vidět!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.12.2023
By alessandra
Style, confort and warmth
It's a really extraordinary jacket. Frankly I'm amazed about how well cut it is. Sport equipement doesn't usually receive that care. Nice-looking and warm, which is the priority when you're riding in winter in the Alps. But not a bunging, thick jacket that makes you sweat while riding to the top. The best compliment you can do to a jacket like this, is that you forget you're wearing something. You can concentrate in the landscape and your effortUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.11.2023
By Martin
Dobrá zimni bund na kolo
Velmi dobra zimni bund na kolo. Velmi pekne zpracovani. Jedinou malou výhradou je, ze jedna ze tri kapes na zadech je na zip a neni velka. Pri teplotách okolo 0 st. Celsia staci pod bundu dat jednu zimni spodni vrstvu. Bundu muzu vřele doporucit zvlast za cenu, za kterou se momentalne prodava.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.11.2023
By Christoph Ritschl
From Rakúsko
Excellent fit, very stylish! Additionally, and this is the morst important point, it keeps the upper body fantastically warm.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.11.2023
By Nicklas Hazelblad
I got it last week, and have been "living" in it, since. I have had great test weather in Denmark the last couple of days on the road (everything from heavy rain, cold winds, below zero mornings and moist/foggy afternoons) this jacket will keep you warm and comfortable way down below zero. Even in harsh conditions. Does get warm if you ride hard, but it has great breathability, and keeps you warm even when sweating. Fits perfectly in size S, 174 cm 68 kilos (a tiny bit tight on the neck, but it keeps the wind out)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 9.6.2023
By Betti
Ein Traum…
Diese Jacke ist klein geschnitten, habe Größe L bestellt und die passt perfekt. Habe bei den Trikots S-M … Die Jacke ist super verarbeitet, kann ich nur empfehlen! Zum Rennrad fahren habe ich sie noch nicht benutzt wg. Sommer…Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 27.5.2023
By Norbert
From Slovensko
Great warm jacket
The jacket fits nice on the body, but size M was rather tight on the neck. Size L was good on the neck, but loose on the back. The material is perfect quality and warm, two pockets with zip is a nice touch.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.5.2023
By Santtu Ollila
Great jacket
Features as promised, the fit of an XL for a 110cm chest and 86cm waist was the closest match, but not perfect as going bigger makes the bottom too baggy and a large does not fit in the chest.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.4.2023
By Brett
Super warm
This will keep you warm when it's below 0. Even around zero I find myself sweating in it. My only issue is I'm not sure how "breatheable" it is. I've only worn it twice (0-5 degrees), and my arms were wet with sweat both times I took it off. Looking forward to wearing it in VERY cold weather.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 2.4.2023
By Daniel Jaber
From Spojené štáty americké
Signature Deep Winter Soft-shell--ROCKS!
This Winter has been a cold one here in Colorado, but this Jacket has kept me motivated to get out on those crisp days. Excellent fit. 6' and 160 pounds the large fits perfectly. Thanks Isadore for another great piece of kit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.3.2023
By Christophe Verlinde
Warm and comfortable
Feels warm, less sweaty then my other one (https://isadore.com/signature-winter-softshell-jacket-black) Good slim fit, I'm 1,86m and weight is 76kgUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.3.2023
By Ivan Vas
Decent but watch for the size
Quite good, especialy if you get it on sale as i did. Lot of pockets. But it is not very warm. I have to try it still, but i would say under 5C you will be cold, if you are not exactly racing :) Watch for sizing. I am 181cm and 81kg, and usually got everytjing in M size (Karpos, Dynafit etc.), but size M of this jacket is just so. It is not small for me but quite tight, and arms have not much reserve. Honestly, I cannot believe some comments where Martin 185cm, or someone 192cm high, say they got M size and it fits. I would always choose one size bigger from Isadore. Ivan SlovakiaUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.1.2023
By Phil Morgan
From Veľká Británia
Pretty much perfect
This is as close as I've come to finding the perfect winter jacket. I've worn it with a long sleeve merino baselayer for a few rides at around 5 deg C and it's great. Road spray/light rain beads off and it's plenty warm enough. Great fit too at 173cm and 73kg in a Med. As with all Isadore kit it's well made, the only things I'd like would be a garage for the zip as it rubs a little when zipped up (usually wear a buff in this weather so not too bad) and a third rear pocket - other than that it is perfect.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.11.2022
By Vaughan Watson
From Veľká Británia
Cool yet toasty!
Love this jacket . Stylish well designed and is suited to the coldest winter temperatures. Additional sleeve pocket very useful and quick to access. I also have the signature jacket but this is definitely considerably warmer. Been out in moderate rain and remained dry but like any soft shell jacket constant torrential downpour then water will creep in. Having said that highly recommended for sub zero fair weather rides.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.2.2022
By Peer
I ordered the jacket in S. At 175cm and 70kg it fits rather snugly and not, as advertised, loosely. Tested them at 8 degrees, windy and damp weather with a windblocker t-shirt and a merino undershirt. Nothing slips. only the insides let too much air through for my taste. I wouldn't want to ride them in near-zero temperatures. The jacket is well made and makes a good impression.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 20.12.2021
By Mitja
From Slovinsko
Excellent winter jacket
Good looking and excellent winter jacket. So far used it with temperatures at about 5°-7°C. Even had a crush and the jacket survived without any visible marks. L size fits perfectly to my 182 cm and 81 kg.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.12.2021
By Mirko Wolk
From Nemecko
Die Jacke ist sehr schön und gut verarbeitet. Die Größe fällt recht kein aus und komme mit der Größe XXL, anstelle meiner normalen Größe XL, gut zurecht. Meine Kritik an der Jacke ist, daß sie für kalte bis sehr kalte Tage angepriesen wird. Ich bin die Jacke bis jetzt bei Temperaturen von 0 bis +4 Grad gefahren. Unter der Jacke habe ich ein funkions T-Shirt und den Merino LS Baselayer getragen. Bei der Fahrt war mir alles andere als warm, es war kalt! Der Feuchtigkeitstausch scheint aber sehr gut zu funktionieren. Nach den zwei Stunden Fahrten war die Unterwäsche nur minimal feucht. Ich würde die Jacke für Temperaturen von +5 bis +15 Grad empfehlen. Dafür werde ich sie dann auch nutzen. Schade, ich dachte ich bekomme eine echte Winterjacke.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 26.11.2021
By David JONES
From Veľká Británia
Perfect for UK Winter Riding.
Arrived just in time for a late Autumn cold snap. Great fit! (182lb/6'4" = XXL) Kept me nice and warm during those cold windswept rides. Looks good as well. The 'Black Friday' discount, made it excellent value for money as well. A winner!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.3.2021
By Jana Sehnalkova
From Česká republika
Sector Jacket Anthracite Women
Very happy to have purchased this jacket. It is exactly what the description at the website promises. It is warm, works great in temperatures from 0 to 15 degrees. It is absolutely wind-proof and isolates the warmth well during stops for coffee. Used it in 9 degrees C with base-layer plus one technical shirt on a bike ride with heavy head winds and was totally comfortable. Totally worth it! I am European size 38-40 and fit size L for this jacket.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.2.2021
By mickael lefebvre
From Francúzsko
Excellent jacket
Very warm (ideal for temp between 0 and 5C), excellent cut. LOVE IT! 1m83 / 80kg / L is perfect for meUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 11.2.2021
By Isaac
From Spojené štáty americké
Perfect for winters in NYC. Real marvel of a jacket that provides just the right amount of insulation and protection, not too warm and not too cold. Perfect with a long sleeve merino jersey when whether is in mid-20s, low 30s. Pockets are great for storing my iPhone, AirPods, and a snack. Definitely appreciate the high quality zipper. Loving my winter rides!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.11.2020
By Pali Mudan
From Nemecko
The Best
I have had a number of Jackets for these cold conditions but the Sector Jacket which I ordered in colour Anthracite tops them all. Combined with a good base layer and simple long sleve jersey I can now really enjoy my regular outings at zero and sub-zero conditions. The insulation is perfect, you know it is icy and that there is an icy wind, but with the jacket you can ignore it. And depending on your effort heat does not build up inside. And my wife thinks I look very good and fast in it - what do you want more?Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 16.2.2020
By Ondrej Stoces
From Česká republika
až na kapsu fajn
Bunda moc pěkná, měřim 178cm a vše od Isadore vozím S. Na těle mi sedne super, ale rukávy jsou trochu kratší než u jiného dresu co od Isadore mám. Límec je hodně těsný, s tím mám problém u všech Isadore dresů. Co mě ale dost překvapilo a zklamalo je zadní zabezpečená kapsa se zipem - nevejde se mi do ní mobil (iPhone 6s), který rozhodně nepatří k největším. Přitom do kapsy vede díra na sluchátka, ale kdo dnes vozí mp3 přehrávače? Za tu cenu bych prostě čekal, že bude dotaženo do detailu.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 18.7.2019
By Kathleen Holoch
From Spojené štáty americké
Beautiful Jacket
I prefer wearing a long sleeve jersey with base layer that repels water as opposed to having to wear a rain jacket on top of a jersey. It is summer, so I won't be wearing this jacket on a ride for a while and therefore can't comment on the performance. That said, the styling is great. Very nice use of colors and fabric--like the little circles on the back and even the patch on the arm (which is not too logo-like). Like the sticky hem at the back and sleeves so I know it will stay put. Jacket is long enough in the back that it will keep me warm. This jacket is so stylish that I am considering wearing it for everyday wear on top of a thin tee shirt and not just riding. Really beautiful and glad I purchased it. I normally wear a large in jerseys and jackets and the fit was as expected.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.2.2019
By Andrej
Sector jacket rifle green
Excelant product for colder weather rides, even sub 0 Great fit xl (186cm-91kg) Excelant brethability Very stylish and super well made Go isadore and team ????Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 1.2.2019
By Ewald Hochmeister
From Rakúsko
Winterjacke, aber leider nicht winddicht
Die Jacke ist optisch und haptisch toll, und top verarbeitet so wie alle Isadore-Teile. Passform 186, 92kg in XL top. Ich habe mir die Jacke für meine Winterfahrten zwischen -5 und +10 gekauft. Bin nun 2 mal bei 0-2°C gefahren, und mir war leider beide male wirklich kalt, obwohl ich die Unterteile im Vergleich zu meiner alten Jacke nicht verändert habe. Das Problem ist, das die Jacke an den Schulter anscheinend nicht dicht ist, was dazu führt, das der Wind durch die Jacke pfeift. Dies führt zu einem kalten Gefühl im oberen Körperbereich, und ist somit für mich leider eine Themenverfehlung für eine Winterjacke. Schade.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 28.12.2018
By Marianne Hald
From Nemecko
Perfect Fit and Great looks
This jacket makes my happy that it is winter seasonUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.12.2018
By Arne
Excellent jacket with great fit
This jacket is excellent for rides in colder conditions. I have used it during dry and wet conditions and the jacket kept me dry and warm. For rides in heavy rain an additional rain jacket may be useful, but for lighter showers it is definitely adequately. The workmanship is top notch, the fabrics seem to be well chosen. Last but not least one of the main benefits of the jacket for me is the fit. I am 1,95m tall with 78kg weight and I wear “Large”. With other brands I often had the problem that “Medium” is to short in body and sleeve length while the body fit is good, but “Large” is often too loose. Luckily not with this jacket, it has an great tailored fit, also for taller skinny guys. Please keep the excellent sizing.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.1.2018
By Joachim
Prima Winterjacke
Das Sector Jacket zusammen mit den Ovada Deep Winter Tights erworben und bin mit der Kombination sehr zufrieden. Die Passform der Jacke ist nicht zu bemängeln. Ärmel für mich erfreulich lang und der Kragen engt auch nicht ein. Verarbeitung wie immer tadellos. Meine Ausfahrten mit der o.g. Hose-Jacken-Kombiation fanden im Temperaturbereich von etwa 8 bis 2 °C statt, mit entsprechender wintertauglicher Unterwäsche und Langarmtrikot war alles gut, kein unerträgliches Kälte- oder Nässegefühl. Die Jacke isoliert gut, zu erwähnen wäre noch die gute Ventilation im Bereich der Achseln, hier ist es ein wenig, aber nicht unangnehm kühler, dafür bleibt es dort relativ trocken. Auch eine mehr als halbstündige Fahrt bei den oben erwähnte 2 °C in sehr starken Regen ließen sich noch gut ertragen.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 19.12.2017
By Hans
From Holandsko
Best winter jacket
Really happy with this jacket. Wearing size m (1.92m and 79kg), fits perfect. Fulfilling the promise. Really good until 10 degrees.....never to warm, never too cold!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.12.2017
By Javier
I wear it all the time!
Awesome all around jacket that regulates your temp quite nicely!! I've ridden this in 30 F weather and below and all you need to wear underneath is a merino base and long sleeve jersey. The jacket is also fashionable enough to wear off the bike. The only downside and reason for the 4 stars is that at this price point I expected the little details to be taken care of. For example, the zipper pocket on the left-hand side of the jacket is too small to fit a smart phone. Perhaps they meant it as an ipod holder as that is the only thing that could possibly fit in there. The same applies to the pocket on the left arm sleeve. Just too small to fit much in there. At best an ID and CC. The cable management system is nice feature except they forgot to punch a hole in the small zippered pocket thereby negating that feature. Besides those minor items, the jacket is solid. Definitely a big fan!Ukázať celú recenziu
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