Women's Signature Rain Jacket
Na tie premenlivé dni, počas ktorých vás môže prekvapiť aj mráz, je skladná bunda Essential ideálna. Ochráni vás pred chladom a keď sa zase oteplí, ľahko ju schováte do vrecka. V lete zas bude neoceniteľným pomocníkom pri zostupe z horských stúpaní.
Nevyhnutná súčasť výbavy pravých cyklistov. Ultraľahká bunda s membránou sa ľahko zmestí do vrecka a keď sa podmienky náhle zmenia, či vás už prekvapí nepríjemný vietor alebo dotieravý dážď, vďaka tomuto kúsku oblečenia vám zážitok z jazdy počasie nepokazí. Je elastická presne tam, kde to potrebujete a na bočných paneloch a rukávoch vám perfektne sadne. Ušitá je z dvoch druhov membránového materiálu. Nepredvídateľné počasie vám už viac na tvári vrásky nenarobí, táto bunda je odolná proti vetru aj vode až do 10000 mm. Vnútorné švy sú navyše podšité vodoodolnou páskou.
- Špeciálny strih prispôsobený ženským krivkám
- Výnimočne odolná bunda, ktorá vás bude sprevádzať na mnohých jazdách
- Priedušná membrána zabráni prehriatiu počas intenzívneho tréningu a náročných stúpaní
- Odolná proti vetru a vode
- Vyrobené v EÚ
- Ultraľahká membrána
- Dymová priehľadná farba
- 3 reflexné okrúhle nášivky na chrbte pre lepšiu viditeľnosť
Materiál 1
- 80% polyester
- 20% polyuretán
Materiál 2
- 50% polyester
- 20% nylon
- 30% polyuretán
Veľkostná tabuľka
Fit Guide
Tabuľka rozmerov (cm)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 61 – 64 | 64 – 67 | 66 – 69 | 68 – 71 | 70 – 72 | 71 – 74 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 80 – 84 | 84 – 88 | 88 – 92 | 92 – 96 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 104 |
C - BOKY | 78 – 82 | 82 – 86 | 86 – 90 | 90 – 94 | 94 – 98 | 98 – 102 |
D - GOLIER | 31 – 33 | 33 – 35 | 35 – 37 | 37 – 39 | 39 – 41 | 41 – 43 |
Tabuľka rozmerov (inch)
VEĽKOSŤ | XXS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
A - ZADNÁ DĹŽKA | 24 – 25 | 25 – 26,5 | 26 – 27 | 26,75 – 28 | 27,5 – 28,5 | 28 – 29 |
B - HRUDNÍK | 31,5 – 33 | 33 – 34,5 | 34,5 – 36 | 36 – 37,5 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 41 |
C - BOKY | 30,8 – 32,25 | 32,25 – 34 | 34 – 35,5 | 35,5 – 37 | 37 – 38,5 | 38,5 – 40 |
D - GOLIER | 12 – 13 | 13 – 13,75 | 13,75 – 14,5 | 14,5 – 15,5 | 15,5 – 16,25 | 16,25 – 17 |
Slim fit strih, Oblečenie je vyrobené z elastického materiálu. Rozmery našich výrobkov pre všetky veľkosti sú však navrhnuté tak, aby spĺňali štandardné parametre konfekčných veľkostí oblečenia, ktoré zvyčajne nosíte.

Product Reviews
Submitted 13.12.2023
By Cee
Very effective at keeping the wet out
I'm not giving this five stars as it has a bit of a weird cut – it's very tight at the hips but loose around the neck and arms. That being said, I took it for a test-ride in the pouring rain and it did a great job of keeping my upper half dry. So, while I'm not crazy about the fit, I think it'll grow on me.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.9.2023
By Britta
tolle leichte jacke
sieht gut aus und passt super, könnte noch ein wenig dehnbarer sein, aber i.o., regentauglichkeit noch nicht getestet, ist aber stark wasserabweisend, das kann ich hier schon einmal bestätigen, würde ich wieder kaufen!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.2.2021
By Karolína Markytánová
From Česká republika
Super solid
Easily packed into your jersey back pocket. Keeps you dry in a light-ish rain. Easily washed. Unbelievably good looking. And what I appreciate the most is that wearing 2 Isadore long sleeve merino layers with this jacket was enough during all my winter rides so far (up to -5 degrees). It's a bit on the smaller size - I'm 170cm, 65kg and let's say the fit is quite aerodynamic. Also I must say, I was a bit 'nervous' about the zipper as many of the reviews complain about it but it works just fine for me. No problem zipping and unzipping the jacket without stopping. Idk, I just love the jacket just as much as I love all my Isadore products.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2020
By Sharon Prince
From Veľká Británia
great looking jacket, a bit on the small size, the zip is a lot of drama when you finally zip it up, you then struggle to unzip, a little unpredictableUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.9.2022
By Henrik Roslund
From Švajčiarsko
Excellent jacket, awful zipper
The jacket is very small and fits easily in the jersey's back pocket. It keeps wind and rain away and ventilates body heat when closed. But, the Zipper is awful to manage on the bike, and 110% of the time, it gets stuck in the fabric around the Zipper. Please, Isadore, redesign everything around the Zipper. The rest of the jacket is fantastic!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 14.2.2021
By Ciaran
Zipper issues
This would be a great jacket if the zipper issues were fixed, unfortunately had to return it.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 5.12.2020
By Heiko
From Nemecko
Eigentlich eine schöne Jacke, aber der Kragen ist viel zu weit und zu kurz, so das er nicht am Hals anliegt. Gerade bei einer Regenjacke unpassend, da natürlich der Regen so problemlos rein läuft. Schade, aber die Jacke geht zurück.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.4.2018
By Dimitrios Evmoiridis
From Grécko
Essential jacket
Excellent design and very practical cause it is really vey breathable and light. I would give it five stars but the zip is really problematic and this can be really inconvenient esp when you can not unzip it.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 21.4.2018
By Dimitri Spindler
From Švajčiarsko
Gute Jacke!
Hab die Jacke jetzt mehrere male bei Regen benutzt. Sie ist gut Wasserdicht, sitzt angenehm, ist klein zu verpacken und sieht gut aus! Kleiner Nachteil ist, dass sie leider nicht so gut Atmet und deshalb schnell mal warm ist.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.4.2018
By Rainhard
From Nemecko
Had this jacket now for about two years. Initially, very pleased with looks and fit. Size M is perfect for my 183cm/78kg. Water resistance was also good, but has decreased constantly. Now, it is nonexistant. 20 mins in light spray leave my arms and chest soaked. Waterproof spray doesn't help. So essentially, the jacket is only good as windbreaker. For that, it is neither very breathable nore exceptionally packable. In addition, zipper always gets caught in that piece of fabric below, so taking the jacket on an off on the bike is an adventure. When reporting the issues to Isadore, they excused, but offered no help.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.4.2018
By Hans Luijendijk
From Holandsko
Something went wrong in previous review
Of course it is a 5 star rating for me!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.4.2018
By Hans Luijendijk
Perfect rain jacket
More than satisfied with the jacket! It’s light, keeps you dry for a long time and is perfect for the descent after a climb to keep you warm! Most of all I like the ‘slim fit’ of the jacket.....very stylish!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.2.2018
By Mulotti Emmanuel
From Francúzsko
Juste parfait
Veste qui colle bien au corps . On est bien au sec dessous et on ne sent pas le vent. Bien pliée elle se met facilement dans une poche du maillot. Une poche arrière aurait été un plus. Taille L pour 1.81 cm et 70 kgUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.1.2018
By maxence
From Francúzsko
top !!!
Produit ideal lorsque le temps est incertains. Utilisé lors d'une sortie pluvieuse et venteuse je n'ai pas été trempé mais je suis resté au sec, et je n'ai pas ressenti le froid du vent qui se leva. Elle est tres legere de part son poids mais aussi de part sa coupe. La coupe est tres tres ajustée au depart lors du deballage du carton mais en fait cela est normal n'ayez pas peur elle est faite pour ca et se porte comme ca .Sa coupe tres ajusté lui permet de ne pas flotter ni de faire de plis elle est donc tres tres aerodynamique et parfaite meme y compris et surtout pour des competitions. On ne la sent pas sur soi (on l'oublie meme ) se place facilement ds la poche centrale arriere a condition de prendre le temps de la plier correctement. Aucun point negatif sauf l'absence d'une petite poche qui permettrait de mettre au moins quelques barres ;) Un produit parfait, un must a toujours prendre avec soi 171 cm 62 kg taille XSUkázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 6.11.2017
By Andi
From Spojené štáty americké
Magical but not perfect
Let's get one thing out of the way first: this windbreaker is over US$200. It's pricey and premium. The overall concept and design of this piece is pretty amazing: the smoky transparent material feels magical and looks amazing. I like the little bits of reflective trim around the cuffs and waist. And the signature shoulders allow the jacket to stand out and something special. I haven't worn it in a light rain yet. The one flaw is more of a minor annoyance- the zipper is difficult if not impossible to pull upward with one hand. The windflap material (behind the zipper) gets caught in the zipper quite easily. I need two hands to zip up all the way. Also, the two vent zips are a great idea, but again I cannot close them with one hand. Overall, I think this is one special jacket that I'll be carrying around most rides.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.10.2017
By Sergej
Perfect for certain conditions
I think, the jacket is perfect for temperature +7-15 ‘C. Rainy, windy...doesn’t matter! ;) The best are ventilation pockets ... and of cause the style! Wear on Disco party :)Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.4.2017
From Holandsko
Nice product and good sizing advice on the web. Small minus is the width of the neck collar. For me 1,79cm, 75kg it is far too wide and while cycling air streams in. On the other hand, if it is colder you can wear easily a buff around your neck and will still fit.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 4.1.2017
From Spojené štáty americké
The Essential Jacket really is essential
This is a very great product. The front and the back resists water and the wind yet breath, while the sides stretch and breath more. Front pockets release heat and moisture (just like the Softshell Jacket). Stretch fittings as part of the sides and the arms keep this jacket well fitting. The front vent pockets release moisture and heat allowing for a broader temperature range of use. Reflective elements and the partially transparent look is extremely cool. The fit of this jacket is fitted and consistent with the Marsala Merino Membrane Softshell Jacket and assisted with the sizing tool provided. I also love the information blurbs on the display models; it helps make sizing decisions. This product also rolls up into a size that fits into a back pocket. Only possible improvement could be a back pocket.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 30.8.2016
By Ka Chun Chan
From Veľká Británia
Surprisingly versatile jacket
I think this jacket will get used a lot in the coming years. I was surprised with how long I kept this jacket on. You will need to realise that this jacket is only water resistant which means a constant downpour will force the water through. However, this is not a bad things at all, this trade off was probably made so that this jacket is more breathable and handles a wider comfortable temperature range. I was perfectly comfortable with this jacket on top of Isadore's merino arm armers, climbers jersey and membrane gilet riding through the Welsh mountains at 3am. My ride went from valley descents into pockets of really cold air to riding up 16% monsters with a pannier. The jacket took care of them all through out the night. I really rate the minimal features in terms of pockets and anything else that adds unnecessary bulk. The jacket is very packable and even though it feels flimsy, it appears to be hard wearing and doesn't snag on things easily. My other jackets in the wardrobe will be getting very jealous of my new favourite.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 22.8.2016
By John Lee
From Veľká Británia
Brilliant jacket
I don't like flappiness, so the race fit is perfect (1.85m/75kg=Size M), good length. Breathes well (with the vents to get rid of moisture), and keeps me dry. Love the fact you can see the shirt underneath. Packable, but on the bulky side, and it is slightly over-styled - shoulder yolk detail is not so much to my taste. But a great product in every other respect.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 3.8.2016
By Antonio Delgado
From Spojené štáty americké
The bomb
After trying every multi purpose jacket from Rapha to Assos you guys have perfected it. The fit and finish as well as the performance put it at the top step. This will be my go to jacket in the Dolomites in September.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 23.6.2016
By Peter Boden
From Veľká Británia
The Essential Jacket
It's very well named as I wouldn't be without it.When I took it out of the box I didn't believe such a lightweight jacket could possibly be windproof and waterproof,but it has kept me dry even on4-5 rides in constant heavy rain.Folds up and fits nicely in a rear pocket. Perhaps Isadore could apply the waterproofing technology to bib tights? I've bought many so called waterproof jackets over the years but The Essential Jacket is the only one that does exactly what it says!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 7.6.2016
By Francis Cazau
From Francúzsko
The Essential Jacket M & Long Sleeve Jersey Indigo Blue M
J'ai été séduit par la ligne des vêtements Isadore. Discrets et élégants la veste de pluie et le maillot en mérinos remplissent leur fonction. Pour pouvoir rouler sans être déguisé par des publicités criardes. La qualité est au rendez vous. Je mesure 1m70 pour 67 kg , j'ai pris une taille M. La veste taille un peu juste. Question service clientèle, super réactivité, la veste a été échangé en quatre jours. Et en plus un cadeau surprise ,la casquette Isadore. ISADORE, J'ADORE.!!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 25.5.2016
By Dominik Lugmair
From Rakúsko
on the slopes of Mt.Grappa..
...it kept me warm going up and down through the mist with chilly winds and 4°C, nice feature with small flaps to open on the front. very stretchable material, stowes quite nice into rear pocket. love the design.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 29.4.2016
By Fernando
From Rakúsko
Very comfortable, windproof and breathable Jacket. I´ve bought many things from Isadore ( Bib Shorts, Long Jersey, Baselayer, Merino Membrane Softshell Jacket...) and the stuff is really perfect. Yes, you pay for it - but you really get the best for it. Keep it up!!!!Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 31.3.2016
By gerard miller
From Francúzsko
Light and comfortable and warm enough on a chilly morning. Only criticism is of a lack of pocket.Ukázať celú recenziu -
Submitted 13.5.2019
By Juraj Ondreas
From Slovensko
Bundu pouzivam uztreti rok. + dobry ergonomicky strih na tele a rukavoch (179cm/70kg) + skvele vyzerajuce materialy - striho velmi nesedi okolo krku (ziadalo by to elasticky material) - prilis tuhy hlavny zips a tuhe diely na ktorych je zips prisity (neumoznuje lahku spratnost do vrecka na drese - velky objem) - absentujuce vrecko do ktorej by som celu bundu zbalil ako balicek (navrhujem umiestnit este jednu vrstvu elastickej latky na spodok podpazusneho dielu - vsetky zispy sa tazko ovladajulen jednou rukou. Ak by sa podarilo odstranit tieto nedostatky je to pre mna najlepsia bunda svojho druhu na trhu :)Ukázať celú recenziu
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