A ride through Tuscany

With the new Isadore spring collection just released, it is time to go out and explore one of the most iconic places to go and ride your bike - Tuscany in “Bella Italia” !

8.7.2015 – Words by Arien Torsius

With the new Isadore spring collection just released, it is time to go out and explore one of the most iconic places to go and ride your bike - Tuscany in “Bella Italia” !

I am lucky enough to call Tuscany my backyard and believe me it is picture perfect, as I have almost never managed to take a ride without stopping for a photo. It is literally like cycling through a painting. You ride through medieval villages where time has stood still over the past 100 years. Hills dotted with olive trees, images of wheat fields like out of “The Gladiator” and roads snaking down the hillside lined with Cyprus trees - who needs more than that?

It took me about a week to write this blog as I was like a kid in a candy store with too many options and too little time. I have designed a route of 164km long. Yes - it is a bit long, but in this way you can split it up into smaller segments. The route I can describe as incredibly beautiful with climbs of easy gradient averaging between 3-8km.

The ride starts in the historic city of Siena. This city is my favourite, and the culture of the people, living behind these 12th century walls, is unique to this world. If you come to Italy you have to stay in Siena, it is as easy as that. They have the Palio (a horse race) that takes place twice every year. Here is a video explaining the Palio otherwise this topic will take over my whole blog entry :)


Siena can be quite busy. However – the route takes you through a sec ret little road that local cyclist use to get free of the traffic in and out of the city. The AMAZING riding will start as soon as you pass the small town of Arbia, 5 km out of Siena. You are entering an area called the Crete di Sinese. The Crete were formed by the sea millions of years ago, which you can see in the way the hills are formed. They even found the remains of a whale here recently. Most of this area is covered with wheat fields, and when the wind blows softly it is like a hand brushes the land from above.

Cycle past Asciano until you turn towards Abbazia Monte Olivieto. The abbey is still a working monestary with a magnificient structure. They have a small bar where you can stop and enjoy a quick coffee or make use of a bathroom, and they have pretty good cakes too.

Continue your way up towards Montalcino. This town is famous for its Brunello wine, and if you can not ride your bike in a straight line after this it is better to not cycle :)

Your route will take you past vineyards and the Abbey of Sant Antimo. The terrain becomes a little more rugged and wilder with more trees and shade. You will soon pass one of the nicest 5 star hotels in Tuscany called “Velona”. It is situated perfectly, as you will likely agree, with views in a 360 degree angle. The downhill is out of this world before you make your way towards Pienza. Famous for its Pecorino cheese (Sheepmilk cheese) the streets of this small town are filled with this smell.

Apart from the cheese the town itself is one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture. In the 15th century Pope Pius II rebuild his home town to serve as a retreat away from Rome - thus in short it is really pretty. In Pienza is a restaurant where you must stop for lunch. “Ill Chiostro” even has bike parking and you will not easily find a place with a better view or food.

The ride continues down into the Val d’Orcia where some of the scenes from “The Gladiator” were filmed. Hay bales line the road in the summer. Make your way up towards Montepulciano on an iconic Tuscan climb lined with Cyprus trees. A lot of the car brands use this road to shoot TV commercials. As you continue to make your way to Sinalugna you will think … wow . wow … wow …numerous times :)

I ended the ride in Sinalunga. Here there is a train station that easily connects to Siena. But you can use this ride as a guideline and create 2 or 3 routes to take you further around stunning Tuscany.

Here is the link for the ride: https://www.strava.com/routes/2080317

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  • Robert Winkel, Netherlands, 22.10.2015

    Nice pictures of beautiful Tuscany!

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